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Apache Turbine Project Board report for June 2007


The new Turbine TLP is progressing well. The new site has been set up and the mailing lists and associated archives have been migrated. There are still a number of tasks outstanding in order to complete the migration from Jakarta and these are progressing at a steady pace with the assistance of Infrastructure.

Other than this:

  • The source headers have been updated in all sub-projects likely to see a release in the near future.
  • Migration of the build system from Maven 1 to Maven 2 is being considered.
  • Issues concerning the possible requirement to register Turbine's cryptographic capabilities as per now falls to the new Turbine PMC, we will try and address this once the TLP migration is complete.

We have no board-level issues at this time.

Community changes

No new committers originating from within the Turbine community have been voted in in the recent past.

No new PMC members originating from within the Turbine community have been voted in in the recent past.

Turbine core project

No beta or final releases have been made in the recent past however a fixes and enhancements to the 2.3 branch of the project are continuing at a steady pace. Planning for a 2.3.3 release is underway, but will most likely be held off until version 3.3 of DB Torque is released.

The source headers for the turbine-2 trunk are yet to be updated (this includes META).

Fulcrum component project

  • the source headers have been updated for the whole Fulcrum project.
  • all build issues were fixed (can we name that "build wrestling"?!).
  • a up-to-date Fulcrum site was uploaded to
  • the dependency convergence report looks okayish - need to release fulcrum-security and fulcrum-upload to fix it completely.
  • release of fulcrum-yaafi-1.0.5 is currently prepared.

META project

No beta or final releases have been produced in the recent past.