Uses of Class

Packages that use TurbineException
org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator Session validator classes to be used with Turbine apps that use security. Contains the Service framework for Turbine. Assemblerbroker Service looks for action, screen, page, layout classes based on class fragments. Contains a generic factory for generating new objects. The intake service can validate user input from HTML forms. Validators for the various intake field types. JSP Service is used to provide Turbine with a Java Server page (JSP) based view. The pool service can keep a stock of objects and recycle them. Rundata Service provides a factory for the request cycle data objects. The scheduler service can run tasks in the background. The upload service processes data uploaded by the user from the browser. Velocity Service is used to provide Turbine with a Velocity based view. The XML-RPC Service can be used to communicate with a remote application.   
org.apache.turbine.util.pool Some helper classes and interfaces for the Pool Service. Some helper classes and interfaces for the Security Service.  
org.apache.turbine.util.velocity Velocity related utility code.  

Uses of TurbineException in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator

Methods in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator that throw TurbineException
 void TemplateSessionValidator.doPerform(RunData data)
          Execute the action.
 void TemplateSecureSessionValidator.doPerform(RunData data)
          doPerform is virtually identical to DefaultSessionValidator except that it calls template methods instead of bare screen methods.
 void DefaultSessionValidator.doPerform(RunData data)
          Execute the action.

Uses of TurbineException in

Subclasses of TurbineException in
 class InitializationException
          Thrown by Initable class in case of initialization problems.

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 Assembler TurbineAssemblerBrokerService.getAssembler(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Attempt to retrieve an Assembler of a given type with a name.
static Assembler TurbineAssemblerBroker.getAssembler(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Return an Assembler for a given type and object name.
 Assembler AssemblerBrokerService.getAssembler(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Attempts to load an Assembler of a type with a given name

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 java.lang.Object TurbineFactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.String className)
          Gets an instance of a named class.
 java.lang.Object TurbineFactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
          Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
 java.lang.Object TurbineFactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class.
 java.lang.Object TurbineFactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
 boolean TurbineFactoryService.isLoaderSupported(java.lang.String className)
          Tests if specified class loaders are supported for a named class.
protected  java.lang.Object TurbineFactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Gets an instance of a specified class.
protected  java.lang.Object TurbineFactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a specified class.
protected  Factory TurbineFactoryService.getFactory(java.lang.String className)
          Gets a customized factory for a named class.
static java.lang.Object TurbineFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String className)
          Gets an instance of a named class.
static java.lang.Object TurbineFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
          Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
static java.lang.Object TurbineFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class.
static java.lang.Object TurbineFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
static boolean TurbineFactory.isLoaderSupported(java.lang.String className)
          Tests if specified class loaders are supported for a named class.
 java.lang.Object FactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.String className)
          Gets an instance of a named class.
 java.lang.Object FactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
          Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
 java.lang.Object FactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class.
 java.lang.Object FactoryService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
 boolean FactoryService.isLoaderSupported(java.lang.String className)
          Tests if specified class loaders are supported for a named class.
 void Factory.init(java.lang.String className)
          Initializes the factory.
 java.lang.Object Factory.getInstance()
          Gets an instance of a class.
 java.lang.Object Factory.getInstance(java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
          Gets an instance of a class using a specified class loader.
 java.lang.Object Factory.getInstance(java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class.
 java.lang.Object Factory.getInstance(java.lang.ClassLoader loader, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.

Uses of TurbineException in

Subclasses of TurbineException in
 class IntakeException
          Base exception thrown by the Intake service.

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 Group Group.init(ValueParser pp)
          Initializes the default Group using parameters.

Uses of TurbineException in

Subclasses of TurbineException in
 class InvalidMaskException
          An Exception indidate an invalid field mask.
 class ValidationException
          An Exception to mark a failed validation

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 void TurbineJspService.handleRequest(RunData data, java.lang.String templateName)
          executes the JSP given by templateName.
 void TurbineJspService.handleRequest(RunData data, java.lang.String templateName, boolean isForward)
          executes the JSP given by templateName.
static void TurbineJsp.handleRequest(RunData data, java.lang.String templateName, boolean isForward)
          executes the JSP given by templateName.
static void TurbineJsp.handleRequest(RunData data, java.lang.String templateName)
          executes the JSP given by templateName.
 void JspService.handleRequest(RunData data, java.lang.String templateName, boolean isForward)
          executes the JSP given by templateName.
 void JspService.handleRequest(RunData data, java.lang.String templateName)
          executes the JSP given by templateName.

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 java.lang.Object TurbinePoolService.getInstance(java.lang.String className)
          Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
 java.lang.Object TurbinePoolService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
          Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
 java.lang.Object TurbinePoolService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
 java.lang.Object TurbinePoolService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
 boolean TurbinePoolService.isLoaderSupported(java.lang.String className)
          Deprecated. Use TurbineFactory.isLoaderSupported(className);
 java.lang.Object TurbinePoolService.getInstance(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
 java.lang.Object TurbinePoolService.getInstance(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
static java.lang.Object TurbinePool.getInstance(java.lang.String className)
          Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
static java.lang.Object TurbinePool.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
          Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
static java.lang.Object TurbinePool.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
static java.lang.Object TurbinePool.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
static java.lang.Object TurbinePool.getInstance(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
static java.lang.Object TurbinePool.getInstance(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
 java.lang.Object PoolService.getInstance(java.lang.String className)
          Gets an instance of a named class.
 java.lang.Object PoolService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
          Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
 java.lang.Object PoolService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class.
 java.lang.Object PoolService.getInstance(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
 boolean PoolService.isLoaderSupported(java.lang.String className)
          Deprecated. Use TurbineFactory.isLoaderSupported(className)
 java.lang.Object PoolService.getInstance(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
 java.lang.Object PoolService.getInstance(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 RunData TurbineRunDataService.getRunData(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
          Gets a default RunData object.
 RunData TurbineRunDataService.getRunData(java.lang.String key, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
          Gets a RunData instance from a specific configuration.
static RunData TurbineRunDataFacade.getRunData(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
          Gets a default RunData object.
static RunData TurbineRunDataFacade.getRunData(java.lang.String key, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
          Gets a RunData object from a specific configuration.
 RunData RunDataService.getRunData(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
          Gets a default RunData object.
 RunData RunDataService.getRunData(java.lang.String key, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
          Gets a RunData object from a specific configuration.

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 JobEntry TurbineSchedulerService.getJob(int oid)
          Get a specific Job from Storage.
 void TurbineSchedulerService.addJob(JobEntry je)
          Add a new job to the queue.
 void TurbineSchedulerService.removeJob(JobEntry je)
          Remove a job from the queue.
 void TurbineSchedulerService.updateJob(JobEntry je)
          Add or update a job.
static JobEntry TurbineScheduler.getJob(int oid)
          Get a specific Job from Storage.
static void TurbineScheduler.addJob(JobEntry je)
          Add a new job to the queue.
static void TurbineScheduler.updateJob(JobEntry je)
          Add or update a job
static void TurbineScheduler.removeJob(JobEntry je)
          Remove a job from the queue.
 JobEntry TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService.getJob(int oid)
          This method returns the job element from the internal queue.
 void TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService.addJob(JobEntry je)
          Add a new job to the queue.
 void TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService.updateJob(JobEntry je)
          Add/update a job
 JobEntry ScheduleService.getJob(int oid)
          Get a specific Job from Storage.
 void ScheduleService.addJob(JobEntry je)
          Add a new job to the queue.
 void ScheduleService.updateJob(JobEntry je)
          Modify a Job.
 void ScheduleService.removeJob(JobEntry je)
          Remove a job from the queue.
 void JobQueue.modify(JobEntry je)
          Modify a job on the queue.
 void JobQueue.updateQueue(JobEntry je)
          Update the job for its next run time.
 void JobEntry.calcRunTime()
          Calculate how long before the next runtime.

Constructors in that throw TurbineException
JobEntry(int sec, int min, int hour, int wd, int day_mo, java.lang.String task)

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 void UploadService.parseRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, ParameterParser params, java.lang.String path)
           This method performs parsing the request, and storing the acquired information in apropriate places.
 void TurbineUploadService.parseRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, ParameterParser params, java.lang.String path)
           Processes an RFC 1867 compliant multipart/form-data stream.
static void TurbineUpload.parseRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, ParameterParser params)
           Performs parsing the request and storing files and form fields.
static void TurbineUpload.parseRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, ParameterParser params, java.lang.String path)
           Performs parsing the request and storing files and form fields.
abstract  void BaseUploadService.parseRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, ParameterParser params, java.lang.String path)
           Processes an RFC 1867 compliant multipart/form-data stream.

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 void VelocityService.handleRequest(org.apache.velocity.context.Context context, java.lang.String filename, out)
          Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
 void VelocityService.handleRequest(org.apache.velocity.context.Context context, java.lang.String filename, writer)
          Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
 java.lang.String TurbineVelocityService.handleRequest(org.apache.velocity.context.Context context, java.lang.String filename)
          Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
 void TurbineVelocityService.handleRequest(org.apache.velocity.context.Context context, java.lang.String filename, output)
          Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
 void TurbineVelocityService.handleRequest(org.apache.velocity.context.Context context, java.lang.String filename, writer)
          Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
 java.lang.Object XmlRpcService.executeRpc( url, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Vector params)
          Execute a remote procedure call.
 java.lang.Object XmlRpcService.executeAuthenticatedRpc( url, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Vector params)
          Execute a remote procedure call taht requires authentication.
 void XmlRpcService.send(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void XmlRpcService.send(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void XmlRpcService.get(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void XmlRpcService.get(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void XmlRpcService.remove(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void XmlRpcService.remove(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void TurbineXmlRpcService.registerHandler(java.lang.String handlerName, java.lang.String handlerClass)
          A helper method that tries to initialize a handler and register it.
 java.lang.Object TurbineXmlRpcService.executeRpc( url, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Vector params)
          Client's interface to XML-RPC.
 java.lang.Object TurbineXmlRpcService.executeAuthenticatedRpc( url, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Vector params)
          Client's Authenticated interface to XML-RPC.
 void TurbineXmlRpcService.send(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void TurbineXmlRpcService.send(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void TurbineXmlRpcService.get(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void TurbineXmlRpcService.get(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void TurbineXmlRpcService.remove(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
 void TurbineXmlRpcService.remove(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
static java.lang.Object TurbineXmlRpc.executeRpc( url, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Vector params)
          Execute a remote procedure call.
static java.lang.Object TurbineXmlRpc.executeAuthenticatedRpc( url, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Vector params)
          Execute a remote procedure call taht requires authentication
static void TurbineXmlRpc.send(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
static void TurbineXmlRpc.send(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
static void TurbineXmlRpc.get(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
static void TurbineXmlRpc.get(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
static void TurbineXmlRpc.remove(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
static void TurbineXmlRpc.remove(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName)
          Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.

Uses of TurbineException in

Methods in that throw TurbineException
static void FileTransfer.send(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. Method to allow a client to send a file to a server.
static void FileTransfer.send(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. Method to allow a client to send a file to a server that requires a user name and password.
static void FileTransfer.get(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. Method to allow a client to get a file to a server.
static void FileTransfer.get(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName, java.lang.String destinationLocationProperty, java.lang.String destinationFileName)
          Deprecated. Method to allow a client to get a file from a server that requires a user name and password.
static void FileTransfer.remove(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName)
          Deprecated. Method to allow a client to remove a file from the server
static void FileTransfer.remove(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String sourceLocationProperty, java.lang.String sourceFileName)
          Deprecated. Method to allow a client to remove a file from a server that requires a user name and password.
 java.lang.Object AuthenticatedFileHandler.execute(java.lang.String method, java.util.Vector params, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Deprecated. Handles all requests for an Authenticated file transfer.

Uses of TurbineException in org.apache.turbine.util.pool

Methods in org.apache.turbine.util.pool that throw TurbineException
 void InitableRecyclable.init(java.lang.Object initObj)
          This method should be called after retrieving the object from the pool.

Uses of TurbineException in

Subclasses of TurbineException in
 class AccessControlException
          Thrown to indicate that the User attempted to perform an operation that was not permitted by the security settings.
 class DataBackendException
          Thrown to indicate that there was an error accessing the data backend of the SecurityService.
 class EntityExistsException
          Thrown upon an attempt to create an User,Role,Group or Permission that already exists.
 class PasswordMismatchException
          Thrown to indicate that the password supplied by user was incorrect.
 class TurbineSecurityException
          Thrown by SecurityService methods to indicate various problems.
 class UnknownEntityException
          Thrown to indicate that the User,Role,Group or Permission that was requested does not exist.

Uses of TurbineException in org.apache.turbine.util.velocity

Subclasses of TurbineException in org.apache.turbine.util.velocity
 class VelocityEmailException
          This exception is thrown if a VelocityEmail/VelocityHtmlEmail can not be sent using JavaMail.

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