Package org.apache.turbine.util

Various utilities used in Turbine and for Turbine based applications.


Interface Summary
RunData RunData is an interface to run-time information that is passed within Turbine.

Class Summary
BrowserDetector This class parses the user agent string and sets javasciptOK and cssOK following the rules described below.
DateSelector DateSelector is a utility class to handle the creation of a set of date popup menus.
DynamicURI Deprecated. Use TurbineURI instead.
FormMessage A message class for holding information about a message that relates to a specific form and field.
FormMessages Used for adding and accessing messages that relate to a specific form and field.
GenerateUniqueId This class generates a unique 10+ character id.
HttpUtils This class provides utilities for handling some semi-trivial HTTP stuff that would othterwise be handled elsewhere.
InputFilterUtils Some filter methods that have been orphaned in the Screen class.
ObjectUtils This is where common Object manipulation routines should go.
SecurityCheck Utility for doing security checks in Screens and Actions.
ServerData Holds basic server information under which Turbine is running.
ServletUtils This is where common Servlet manipulation routines should go.
TimeSelector TimeSelector is a utility class to handle the creation of a set of time drop-down menus.
TurbineConfig A class used for initialization of Turbine without a servlet container.
TurbineXmlConfig A class used for initialization of Turbine without a servlet container.

Exception Summary
TurbineException The base class of all exceptions thrown by Turbine.
TurbineRuntimeException This is a base class of runtime exeptions thrown by Turbine.

Error Summary
SystemError Used for wrapping system errors (exceptions) that may occur in the application.

Package org.apache.turbine.util Description

Various utilities used in Turbine and for Turbine based applications.
$Id: package.html 534527 2007-05-02 16:10:59Z tv $

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