
Some helper classes and interfaces for the Security Service.


Interface Summary
AccessControlList This interface describes a control class that makes it easy to find out if a particular User has a given Permission.

Class Summary
GroupSet This class represents a set of Groups.
PermissionSet This class represents a set of Permissions.
RoleSet This class represents a set of Roles.
SecuritySet This class represents a set of Security Entities.
TurbineAccessControlList This is a control class that makes it easy to find out if a particular User has a given Permission.

Exception Summary
AccessControlException Thrown to indicate that the User attempted to perform an operation that was not permitted by the security settings.
DataBackendException Thrown to indicate that there was an error accessing the data backend of the SecurityService.
EntityExistsException Thrown upon an attempt to create an User,Role,Group or Permission that already exists.
PasswordMismatchException Thrown to indicate that the password supplied by user was incorrect.
TurbineSecurityException Thrown by SecurityService methods to indicate various problems.
UnknownEntityException Thrown to indicate that the User,Role,Group or Permission that was requested does not exist.

Package Description

Some helper classes and interfaces for the Security Service.
$Id: package.html 534527 2007-05-02 16:10:59Z tv $

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