
Validators for the various intake field types.


Interface Summary
CompareCallback Interface to define the compare operation betwen two field values
Constraint A constraint has a name and a value and an optional message.
InitableByConstraintMap This interface marks a bean/class that can have its properties set by values in a Map.
Validator Validator api.

Class Summary
BigDecimalValidator Validates BigDecimals with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
BooleanValidator Validator for boolean field types.
DateRangeValidator Validates a DateString field in dependency on another DateString field.
DateStringValidator Validates numbers with the following constraints in addition to those listed in DefaultValidator.
DefaultValidator DefaultValidator that will compare a testValue against the following constraints: NameValid ValuesDefault Value requiredtrue|falsefalse maskregexp  minLengthinteger0 maxLengthinteger  This validator can serve as the base class for more specific validators
DoubleValidator Validates Doubles with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
FieldReference Helper Class to manage relations between fields.
FileValidator A validator that will compare a FileItem testValue against the following constraints in addition to those listed in DefaultValidator.
FloatValidator Validates Floats with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
IntegerRangeValidator Validates an int field in dependency on another int field.
IntegerValidator Validates Integers with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
LongValidator Validates Longs with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
NumberKeyValidator Deprecated. No replacement
ShortValidator Validates Shorts with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
StringValidator A validator that will compare a testValue against the following constraints: NameValid ValuesDefault Value requiredtrue|falsefalse maskregexp  minLengthinteger0 maxLengthinteger  This validator can serve as the base class for more specific validators

Exception Summary
InvalidMaskException An Exception indidate an invalid field mask.
ValidationException An Exception to mark a failed validation

Package Description

Validators for the various intake field types.
$Id: package.html 534527 2007-05-02 16:10:59Z tv $

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