Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen

This class provides the basic implementation of common features for a scheduled job entry.
schedule types
Service for a cron like scheduler.
This action doPerforms an Access Control List and places it into the RunData object, so it is easily available to modules.
Generic Action interface.
This is an alternative to the Action class that allows you to do event based actions.
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Action modules.
AnnotationProcessor contains static helper methods that handle the Turbine annotations for objects
Tools that go into the Toolbox should implement this interface.
This is an interface that defines what an Assembler is.
An interface the Turbine Assembler service.
Interface for AssemblerFactory's
This service allows access to avalon components.
This class provides a generic implementation of Initable.
A generic implementation of InitableBroker.
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Fri Jan 26 11:07:21 CET 2024] You should not use this class directly.
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Fri Jan 26 11:07:22 CET 2024] You should not use this class directly.
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Fri Jan 26 11:07:22 CET 2024] You should not use this class directly.
Maps ResultSet rows into JobEntryTorque objects.
Base JSP navigation that should be subclassed by Navigation that want to use JSP.
Base JSP Screen that should be subclassed by screens that want to use JSP.
A base class for the various mappers which contains common code.
This class is a generic implementation of Service.
A generic implementation of a ServiceBroker which provides: Maintaining service name to class name mapping, allowing pluggable service implementations. Providing Services with a configuration based on system wide configuration mechanism. Integration of TurbineServiceProviders for looking up non-local services
The base implementation of Turbine TemplateEngineService.
This is a mapper like the BaseMapper but it returns its results with the extension of the template names passed or (if no extension is passed), the default extension.
A base implementation of an UnicastRemoteObject as a Turbine Service.
This is the base class for all dynamic URIs in the Turbine System.
This class parses the user agent string and provides getters for its parts.
This mapper tries to map Template names to class names.
Implements the RunData target portion of the "Turbine classic" processing pipeline (from the Turbine 2.x series).
Terribly simple tool to translate URIs into Turbine Links.
This class can convert a simple link into a turbine relative URL.
This pull tool is used to format date objects into strings.
This service is used to format TemporalAccessor and, DateTimeFormatter, Locale) (different flavors) objects into strings.
This pull tool is used to format TemporalAccessor and, DateTimeFormatter, Locale) (different flavors) objects into strings.
Implements the action portion of the "Turbine classic" processing pipeline (from the Turbine 2.x series).
This is a Default Action module that doesn't do much.
Handles the Login and Logout actions in the request process cycle.
When building sites using templates, Screens need only be defined for templates which require dynamic (database or object) data.
A PipelineData is a holder for data being passed from one Valve to the next.
This is a common subset of SecurityService implementation.
Implements the action portion of the "Turbine classic" processing pipeline (from the Turbine 2.x series).
The SessionValidator attempts to retrieve the User object from the Servlet API session that is associated with the request.
Set default encoding of the request.
DefaultTurbineRunData is the default implementation of the TurbineRunData interface, which is distributed by the Turbine RunData service, if another implementation is not defined in the default or specified RunData configuration.
This is the Default user implementation.
Default user manager.
This valve is responsible for setting the 'action' property of RunData based on request parameter.
Implements the Redirect Requested portion of the "Turbine classic" processing pipeline (from the Turbine 2.x series).
This valve is responsible for setting the 'target' property of the RunData.
The most primitive mapper.
This layout allows an action to manipulate the ServletOutputStream directly.
The most primitive templating mapper.
Implements the Page Generation portion of the "Turbine classic" processing pipeline (from the Turbine 2.x series).
This class provides a Service implementation that Services used in Turbine are required to extend.
A message class for holding information about a message that relates to a specific form and field.
Used for adding and accessing messages that relate to a specific form and field.
This class generates a unique 10+ character id.
This is the base class for the loaders.
Template context tool that can be used to set various attributes of a HTML page.
Helper class to hold data about a <link
This class provides utilities for handling some semi-trivial HTTP stuff that would otherwise be handled elsewhere.
Classes that implement this interface need initialization before they can work.
Classes that implement this interface can act as a broker for Initable classes.
Used to initialize JNDI contexts.
Thrown by Initable class in case of initialization problems.
Some filter methods that have been orphaned in the Screen class.
Thrown by InitableBroker and ServiceBroker classes to indicate problems with instatiation of requested objects.
The main class through which Intake is accessed.
Users will get this screen if the screen on their browser is in an invalid state.
An action factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the
A layout factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the
This is a interface for a scheduled job.
This is an implementation of a JobEntry with no persistence.
This implements a Turbine scheduled job model for the QuartzScheduler.
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Fri Jan 26 11:07:21 CET 2024] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Fri Jan 26 11:07:22 CET 2024] This class provides static wrappers for the peer implementation classes.
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Fri Jan 26 11:07:22 CET 2024] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
Maps ResultSet rows into JobEntryTorque objects.
Queue for the scheduler.
Process a JSON RPC call
The interface an JsonRpcService implements.
A Screen class for dealing with JSON-RPC requests.
An extension to JSONScreen that performs a Security Check before invoking doBuildTemplate().
Directs errors at the Jsp error template defined in template.error.
This Layout module allows JSP templates to be used as layouts.
Returns output of a Navigation module.
Extends TemplatePage to add some convenience objects to the request.
Returns output of a Screen module.
Implementations of the JspService interface.
This is the interface that defines what a Layout module is.
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Layout modules.
This mapper is responsible for the lookup of templates for the Layout It tries to look in various packages for a match: 1. about,directions,Driving.vm <- exact match 2. about,directions,Default.vm <- package match, Default name 3. about,Default.vm <- stepping up in the hierarchy 4.
Use VelocityAction directly
Use VelocityNavigation directly
Use VelocityScreen directly
Use VelocitySecureAction directly
Use VelocitySecureScreen directly
Loader<T extends Assembler>
A common interface for Assembler classes like Action, Screen, Layout, Navigation Loader
This class provides utilities for handling locales and charsets
A pull tool which provides lookups for localized text by delegating to the configured Fulcrum LocalizationService.
This is where we authenticate the user logging into the system against a user in the database.
This action removes a user from the session.
This is a pull to to be used in Templates to convert links in Templates into the correct references.
To separate out the various map and search policies for class names and template names, we use classes that implement this interface.
This class provides a Service implementation that Services used in Turbine are required to extend.
Implementations of the NamingService interface provide JNDI naming contexts.
This is the interface that defines what a Navigation module is.
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Navigation modules.
This is where common Object manipulation routines should go.
This class is probably not used anymore, it may have been intended for cacheable Torque OM or might be used with Fulcrum Security Torque.
This is the interface that defines what a Page module is.
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Page modules.
Void user manager can be used where no data storage is needed by the application.
The idea of a pipeline is being taken from Catalina in its entirety :-) I would like to take the idea further and implement Valves instead of hardcoding particular methods in a pipeline.
A PipelineData is a holder for data being passed from one Valve to the next.
Interface for tools to be init'd and refreshed using a PipelineData object Code largely taken from ApplicationTool.
A Screen class for dealing with JSON requests.
The Pull Service manages the creation of application tools that are available to all templates in a Turbine application.
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
A factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
Service for a quartz scheduler.
Base class for writing Screens that output binary data.
cft. deprecation comment in OMTool.
cft. deprecation comment in OMTool.
cft. deprecation comment in OMTool.
RunData is an interface to run-time information that is passed within Turbine.
Tools in the Toolbox that need a Rundata Object on every refresh should implement this interface.
Instead of reading first the accept-language header in a http request, instead this method read the user.getTemp("locale") from the RunData to obtain the language choice by the user without the browser language rule.
The RunData Service provides the implementations for RunData and related interfaces required by request processing.
All Scheduled jobs should implement this.
ScheduledJobs loader class.
This tool is used to retrieve information about the job scheduler.
ScheduleService interface.
This is the interface which defines the Screen modules.
This is a pretty simple mapper which returns template pathes for a supplied template name.
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Screen modules.
This is a pretty simple mapper which returns template pathes for a supplied template name.
Utility for doing security checks in Screens and Actions.
The Security Service manages Users, Groups Roles and Permissions in the system.
Holds basic server information under which Turbine is running.
Services are Initables that have a name, and a set of properties.
Classes that implement this interface can act as a broker for Service classes.
Classes that implement this interface can act as a manager for Service classes.
This interface exposes methods of the runner context in order resolve or get access to external resources
This is where common Servlet manipulation routines should go.
Pull tool designed to be used in the session scope for storage of temporary data.
This class is a listener for both session creation and destruction, and for session activation and passivation.
The SessionService allows access to the current sessions of the current context.
A pull tool for accessing the SessionService from a velocity template.
The SessionValidator attempts to retrieve the User object from the Servlet API session that is associated with the request.
Used for wrapping system errors (exceptions) that may occur in the application.
This is the interface that all template engine services must adhere to.
This is a wrapper for Template specific information.
This is a pull to to be used in Templates to convert links in Templates into the correct references.
Base Template Navigation.
Returns output of a Navigation module.
When building sites using templates, Screens need only be defined for templates which require dynamic (database or object) data.
Template Screen.
Returns output of a Screen module.
SessionValidator that requires login for use with Template Services like Velocity or WebMacro.
Utility class to help check for proper authorization when using template screens.
This service provides a method for mapping templates to their appropriate Screens or Navigations.
SessionValidator for use with the Template Service, the TemplateSessionValidator is virtually identical to the TemplateSecureSessionValidator except that it does not transfer to the login page when it detects a null user (or a user not logged in).
This class allows you to keep all the information needed for a single link at one place.
Turbine is the main servlet for the entire system.
Annotation to associate methods in modules to action events
TurbineAssemblerBrokerService allows assemblers (like screens, actions and layouts) to be loaded from one or more AssemblerFactory classes.
This class provides a Service implementation that Services used in Turbine are required to extend.
A class used for initialization of Turbine without a servlet container.
Annotation to mark fields in modules that require a configuration to be injected
This interface contains all the constants used throughout the Turbine code base.
The base class of all exceptions thrown by Turbine.
This is a service that will respond to JSON-RPC calls.
This is a Service that can process JSP templates from within a Turbine screen.
Annotation to mark fields in modules that require a loader to be injected
This class is the default implementation of NamingService, which provides JNDI naming contexts.
Use QuartzSchedulerService instead
Flexible implementation of a Pipeline.
This is the concrete implementation of the Turbine Pull Service.
Annotation to mark modules or methods in modules that require certain permissions to be executed
Annotation to mark modules or methods in modules that require certain roles to be executed
TurbineRunData is an extension to the RunData interface to be implemented by RunData implementations to be distributed by the Turbine RunData Service.
The RunData Service provides the implementations for RunData and related interfaces required by request processing.
This is a base class of runtime exeptions thrown by Turbine.
Annotation to mark class and fields in modules that require a service to be injected Explicit field annotation of TurbineService.SERVICE_NAME will take precedence of class annotation.
Interface for telling Turbine that the implementation class is an external service provider therefore can be used for looking up services not found by the Turbine implementation.
This is a singleton utility class that acts as a Services broker.
This class provides a context service when the application is run in a ServletContainer.
The SessionService allows thread-safe access to the current sessions of the current context.
This service provides a method for mapping templates to their appropriate Screens or Navigations.
Annotation to mark fields in modules and actions that require a tool to be injected
The UI service provides for shared access to User Interface (skin) files, as well as the ability for non-default skin files to inherit properties from a default skin.
This is an implementation of UniqueIdService.
This class allows you to keep all the information needed for a single link at one place.
The URL mapper service provides methods to map a set of parameters to a simplified URL and vice-versa.
Marker interface
This is a Service that can process Velocity templates from within a Turbine Screen.
A class used for initialization of Turbine without a servlet container.
An implementation of Turbine service initializing the YAAFI container
The UI service provides for shared access to User Interface (skin) files, as well as the ability for non-default skin files to inherit properties from a default skin.
Manages all UI elements for a Turbine Application.
This service provides unique identifiers for the instance of Turbine, and for objects it creates.
An interface class which describes the absolute minimum of methods that a Turbine URI class must implement.
This interface contains all the constants that are always needed when working with URIs.
Helper Class to keep a key and a value together in one object.
Bundles a few static routines concerning URIs, that you will need all the time.
The url map model class
The URL mapper service provides methods to map a set of parameters to a simplified URL and vice-versa.
This valve is responsible for parsing parameters out of simplified URLs.
URL Map Container Model Class
This interface represents functionality that all users of the Turbine system require.
An UserManager performs User objects related tasks on behalf of the DefaultSecurityService.
A Valve is a request processing component.
A ValveContext is the mechanism by which a Valve can trigger the execution of the next Valve in a Pipeline, without having to know anything about the internal implementation mechanisms.
This class provides a convenience methods for Velocity Actions to use.
If you are using VelocitySite stuff, then your Action's should extend this class instead of extending the ActionEvent class.
This Layout module is Turbine 2.3.3 VelocityDirectLayout (same package) with methods added for PipelineData.
VelocityCachedScreen is Turbine 2.3.3 VelocityDirectScreen (same package) with methods added for PipelineData.
This Layout module allows Velocity templates to be used as layouts.
VelocityDirectScreen is a screen class which returns its output directly to the output stream.
This is a simple class for sending email from within Velocity.
This exception is thrown if a VelocityEmail/VelocityHtmlEmail can not be sent using JavaMail.
VelocityErrorScreen screen - directs errors at the velocity error template defined in template.error.
This is a simple class for sending html email from within Velocity.
This Layout module allows Velocity templates to be used as layouts.
This Layout module allows Velocity templates to be used as layouts.
Extends TemplatePage to set the template Context.
Base Velocity Screen.
VelocitySecure action.
VelocitySecureScreen Always performs a Security Check that you've defined before executing the doBuildTemplate().
Implementations of the VelocityService interface.
This Layout module allows Velocity XML templates to be used as layouts.
Wrapper for a JobEntry to actually perform the job's action.
Creates Map objects from XmlParameterList objects and vice-versa.
A JAXB Class for holding a list of entries with key (in an attribute) and a value.
Creates Regex Pattern objects.
A JAXB Class for holding the class name of a valve.
Creates Valve objects.