Klasse VelocityOnlyLayout

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
Assembler, Layout
Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:

public class VelocityOnlyLayout extends VelocityLayout
This Layout module allows Velocity templates to be used as layouts. Since dynamic content is supposed to be primarily located in screens and navigations there should be relatively few reasons to subclass this Layout. To get the same functionality as with VelocityECSLayout, you can use two supplied VelocityMacros, TurbineHtmlHead and TurbineHtmlBodyAttributes in your templates. These are used to put HtmlPageAttributes into a page before rendering. Use these macros should be used in the Layout template like this: ... set things like style sheets, scripts here. <html> #TurbineHtmlHead() <body #TurbineHtmlBodyAttributes() > .... your body information </body> </html> As the layout template is rendered _after_ the screen template, you can of course, add information to the $page tool in your screen template. This will be added correctly to the <head>...</head> and <body> tags.
John D. McNally, Dave Bryson, Henning P. Schmiedehausen, Peter Courcoux