Klasse TurbineXmlConfig

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
ServletConfig, ServletContext, org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable, org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Initializable

public class TurbineXmlConfig extends TurbineConfig
A class used for initialization of Turbine without a servlet container.

If you need to use Turbine outside of a servlet container, you can use this class for initialization of the Turbine servlet.

 TurbineXmlConfig config = new TurbineXmlConfig(".", "conf/TurbineResources.properties");

All paths referenced in TurbineResources.properties and the path to the properties file itself (the second argument) will be resolved relative to the directory given as the first argument of the constructor, here - the directory where application was started. Don't worry about discarding the references to objects created above. They are not needed, once everything is initialized.

In order to initialize the Services Framework outside of the Turbine Servlet, you need to call the init() method. By default, this will initialize the Resource and Logging Services and any other services you have defined in your TurbineResources.properties file.

TODO Make this class enforce the lifecycle contracts
Eric Pugh
  • Konstruktordetails

    • TurbineXmlConfig

      public TurbineXmlConfig(String path, Map<String,Object> attributes, Map<String,String> initParams)
      Constructs a new TurbineXmlConfig. This is the general form of the constructor. You can provide a path to search for files, and a name-value map of init parameters.

      For the list of recognized init parameters, see Turbine class.

      path - The web application root (i.e. the path for file lookup).
      attributes - Servlet container (or emulator) attributes.
      initParams - initialization parameters.
    • TurbineXmlConfig

      public TurbineXmlConfig(String path, Map<String,String> initParams)
      Constructs a new TurbineXmlConfig. This is the general form of the constructor. You can provide a path to search for files, and a name-value map of init parameters.

      For the list of recognized init parameters, see Turbine class.

      path - The web application root (i.e. the path for file lookup).
      initParams - initialization parameters.
    • TurbineXmlConfig

      public TurbineXmlConfig(String path, String config)
      Constructs a TurbineXmlConfig. This is a specialized constructor that allows to configure Turbine easily in the common setups.
      path - The web application root (i.e. the path for file lookup).
      config - the relative path to TurbineResources.xml file