Uses of Class

Packages that use Group The intake service can validate user input from HTML forms. Validators for the various intake field types.  

Uses of Group in

Methods in that return Group
 Group TurbineIntakeService.getGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          Gets an instance of a named group either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
static Group TurbineIntake.getGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          Gets an instance of a named group either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
 Group IntakeTool.get(java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String key)
          Get a specific group by name and key.
 Group IntakeTool.get(java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String key, boolean create)
          Get a specific group by name and key.
 Group IntakeTool.PullHelper.getDefault()
          Populates the object with the default values from the XML File
 Group IntakeTool.PullHelper.setKey(java.lang.String key)
          Calls setKey(key,true)
 Group IntakeTool.PullHelper.setKey(java.lang.String key, boolean create)
 Group IntakeTool.PullHelper.mapTo(Retrievable obj)
          maps an Intake Group to the values from a Retrievable object.
 Group IntakeService.getGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          Gets an instance of a named group either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.

Methods in with parameters of type Group
 void TurbineIntakeService.releaseGroup(Group instance)
          Puts a Group back to the pool.
static void TurbineIntake.releaseGroup(Group instance)
          Puts a group back to the pool.
 java.lang.String IntakeTool.declareGroup(Group group)
          A convenience method to write out the hidden form fields that notify intake of the group.
 void IntakeTool.declareGroup(Group group, java.lang.StringBuffer sb)
          xhtml valid hidden input field(s) that notifies intake of the group's presence.
 void IntakeTool.remove(Group group)
          Removes group.
 void IntakeService.releaseGroup(Group instance)
          Puts a group back to the pool.

Uses of Group in

Fields in declared as Group
protected  Group
          Group to which the field belongs

Methods in that return Group
 Group Group.init(ValueParser pp)
          Initializes the default Group using parameters.
 Group Group.init(java.lang.String key, ValueParser pp)
          Initializes the Group with parameters from RunData corresponding to key.
 Group Group.init(Retrievable obj)
          Initializes the group with properties from an object.
 Group Field.getGroup()
          Returns the Group this field belongs to or null if unknown.

Methods in with parameters of type Group
static Field FieldFactory.getInstance(XmlField xmlField, Group xmlGroup)
          Creates a Field object appropriate for the type specified in the xml file.

Constructors in with parameters of type Group
StringKeyField(XmlField field, Group group)
          Deprecated. Constructor.
StringField(XmlField field, Group group)
ShortField(XmlField field, Group group)
NumberKeyField(XmlField field, Group group)
LongField(XmlField field, Group group)
IntegerField(XmlField field, Group group)
FloatField(XmlField field, Group group)
FileItemField(XmlField field, Group group)
Field(XmlField field, Group group)
          Constructs a field based on data in the xml specification and assigns it to a Group.
DoubleField(XmlField field, Group group)
DateStringField(XmlField field, Group group)
ComboKeyField(XmlField field, Group group)
BooleanField(XmlField field, Group group)
BigDecimalField(XmlField field, Group group)

Uses of Group in

Methods in with parameters of type Group
 void IntegerRangeValidator.assertValidity(java.lang.String testValue, Group group)
          Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
static void FieldReference.checkReferences(java.util.List fieldReferences, CompareCallback compareCallback, java.lang.Object value, Group group)
          Check the parsed value against the referenced fields
 void DateRangeValidator.assertValidity(java.lang.String testValue, Group group)
          Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator

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