PMD Results
The following document contains the results of PMD 6.29.0.
Violations By Priority
Priority 1
Rule | Violation | Line |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 78 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 99 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 120 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 141 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 162 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 82 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 76 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 89 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 93 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod | Overridable method 'getPermissions' called during object construction | 150 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 190 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 263 |
Priority 2
Rule | Violation | Line |
LoggerIsNotStaticFinal | The Logger variable declaration does not contain the static and final modifiers | 81 |
Priority 3
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 41–212 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 43 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'manager' | 43 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the userClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 47 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 47 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 47 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the groupClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 48 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 48 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 48 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 49 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the permissionClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 49 |
LongVariable | Avoid excessively long variable names like permissionClassName | 49 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 49 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 50 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the roleClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 50 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 50 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 51 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 51 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the aclClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 51 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 53 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'userManager' | 53 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'roleManager' | 55 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 55 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'groupManager' | 57 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 57 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'permissionManager' | 59 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 59 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 61 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'modelManager' | 61 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getUserManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 68–82 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getGroupManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 89–103 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoleManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 110–124 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissionManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 131–145 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getModelManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 152–166 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'manager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 179 |
MissingOverride | The method 'service(ServiceManager)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 179–182 |
MissingOverride | The method 'initialize()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 191–198 |
SignatureDeclareThrowsException | A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception | 191 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 193 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 194 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 195 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 196 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 197 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 210 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 105 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ConstantsInInterface | Avoid constants in interfaces. Interfaces define types, constants are implementation details better placed in classes or enums. See Effective Java, item 19. | 34 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 106 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 104 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 129 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 43 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifiers 'public static final' on field 'ROLE': the field is declared in an interface type | 35 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'authenticate': the method is declared in an interface type | 37 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 47–114 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the composed field if you want a default access modifier | 49 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 49 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'composed' | 49 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 50 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'cryptoService' | 50 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 51 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 52 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 67 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 67 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ca' could be declared final | 71 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like ca | 71 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 72 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 73 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'output' could be declared final | 73 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 74 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 80 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'conf' is not assigned and could be declared final | 91 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 93 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 94 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'manager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 101 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 112 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 37–46 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 43 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 43 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 36–55 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 46 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 46 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 48 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 51 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'referenced' could be declared final | 51 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'tested' could be declared final | 52 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 53 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 66 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 34–127 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 43 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getId()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 48–51 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 56 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setId(Object)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 56–59 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 56 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getName()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 64–67 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 75 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setName(String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 75–83 |
AvoidUncheckedExceptionsInSignatures | A method or constructor should not explicitly declare unchecked exceptions in its 'throws' clause | 75 |
UseLocaleWithCaseConversions | When doing a String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() call, use a Locale | 81 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 88 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'o' is not assigned and could be declared final | 97 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 97 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'equals' is never used (overwritten on lines 104, 108 and 112) | 99 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'id' could be declared final | 100 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 100 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 106–113 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 36–85 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 51 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 59 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 70 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getAccessControlList(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 70–84 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'groupSet' could be declared final | 72 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'aclInstance' could be declared final | 77 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ImmutableField | Private field 'groupSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 42 |
UnusedAssignment | The field initializer for 'groupSet' is never used (overwritten on line 61) | 42 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 42 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 59 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getGroups()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 69–72 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasGroup(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 81–84 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 81 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasGroup(String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 93–103 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 93 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 97 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 99 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'grant': the method is declared in an interface type | 50 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'revoke': the method is declared in an interface type | 62 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'revokeAll': the method is declared in an interface type | 76 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getUsers': the method is declared in an interface type | 42 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setUsers': the method is declared in an interface type | 50 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getUsersAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 58 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setUsersAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addUser': the method is declared in an interface type | 75 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeUser': the method is declared in an interface type | 83 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGroups': the method is declared in an interface type | 42 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setGroups': the method is declared in an interface type | 50 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeGroup': the method is declared in an interface type | 58 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addGroup': the method is declared in an interface type | 66 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setGroupsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 74 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGroupsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 81 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 36–125 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 44 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getUsers()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 51–62 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 55 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setUsers(UserSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 70–80 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 70 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 72–79 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getUsersAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 88–91 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setUsersAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 99–102 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'users' is not assigned and could be declared final | 99 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addUser(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 110–113 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 110 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 112 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 121 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeUser(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 121–124 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 123 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 38–181 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 49 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 80 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 95 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groups' is not assigned and could be declared final | 111 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 113–120 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 130 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 132 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 142 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 144 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groups' is not assigned and could be declared final | 154 |
OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode | Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() | 177 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 43–223 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 43–223 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 57 |
MissingOverride | The method 'revokeAll(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 57–75 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 57–75 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'permissionExists' is never used (overwritten on line 60) | 59 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 60 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 63 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role2' could be declared final | 64 |
MissingOverride | The method 'revokeAll(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 89–113 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 89–113 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 89 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'groupExists' is never used (overwritten on line 92) | 91 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 92 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'users' could be declared final | 95 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 96 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 101 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role2' could be declared final | 102 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 127–145 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 127 |
MissingOverride | The method 'revokeAll(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 127–145 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'userExists' is never used (overwritten on line 130) | 129 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 130 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'groups' could be declared final | 133 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 134 |
MissingOverride | The method 'revokeAll(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 159–182 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 159–182 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 159 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'roleExists' is never used (overwritten on line 162) | 161 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 162 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'groups' could be declared final | 165 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 166 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 171 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 172 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegator' is not assigned and could be declared final | 189 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addDelegate(User, User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 189–201 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegatee' is not assigned and could be declared final | 189 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'dynamicDelegator' could be declared final | 191 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'dynamicDelegatee' could be declared final | 192 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 198 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 199 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegatee' is not assigned and could be declared final | 207 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegator' is not assigned and could be declared final | 207 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeDelegate(User, User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 207–222 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'dynamicDelegator' could be declared final | 209 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'dynamicDelegatee' could be declared final | 210 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 212 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 212 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 214 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 215 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 47–155 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getAccessControlList(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 52–78 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 52 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 54 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roleSets' could be declared final | 54 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 54 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 55 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 55 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissionSets' could be declared final | 55 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'users' could be declared final | 57 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 57 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'aUser' could be declared final | 63 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'aclInstance' could be declared final | 71 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 95 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissions' is not assigned and could be declared final | 96 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 103 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'users' is not assigned and could be declared final | 118 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 118 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'u' could be declared final | 120 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'delegatorUser' could be declared final | 123 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSets' is not assigned and could be declared final | 142 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionSets' is not assigned and could be declared final | 142 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 142 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 144 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roleSet' could be declared final | 146 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'r' could be declared final | 148 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 150 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 151 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 46–227 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
GodClass | Possible God Class (WMC=53, ATFD=11, TCC=22.059%) | 38–429 |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 39–429 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'roleSets' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 49 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 49 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'permissionSets' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 52 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 52 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 55 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'groupSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 55 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'roleSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 58 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 58 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 61 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'permissionSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSets' is not assigned and could be declared final | 80 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionSets' is not assigned and could be declared final | 81 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'entry' could be declared final | 84 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 86 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'rs' could be declared final | 88 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like rs | 88 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'entry' could be declared final | 92 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 94 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like ps | 96 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ps' could be declared final | 96 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 107 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 107–114 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 110 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 121–123 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 131 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissions(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 131–144 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissionSet' could be declared final | 132 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 135 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissions()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 151–153 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(Role, Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 162–169 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 162 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 162 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'set' could be declared final | 163 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 166 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 168 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 179 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(Role, GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 179–194 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 179 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 182 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 185 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 187 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 188 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 190 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(String, String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 203–222 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 203 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 203 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'entry' could be declared final | 207 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like g | 209 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'g' could be declared final | 209 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 210 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 210 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like rs | 212 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'rs' could be declared final | 212 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 213 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 217 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(String, GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 232–257 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 232 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'rolename' is not assigned and could be declared final | 232 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 238 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 240 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 245 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 248 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 250 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 251 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 253 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 266–268 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 266 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 276–285 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 276 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 279 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 281 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 295 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 295 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(Permission, Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 295–302 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'set' could be declared final | 296 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 299 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 301 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 313 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 313 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(Permission, GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 313–328 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 316 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 319 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 321 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 322 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 324 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 338 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(String, String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 338–347 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 338 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 341 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 343 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(String, Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 357–366 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 357 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 357 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 360 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 362 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 377 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 377 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(String, GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 377–400 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 382 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 383 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 388 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 391 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 393 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 394 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 396 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 408 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 408–410 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 419–428 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 419 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 422 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 424 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 38–212 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 51 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 59 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 75 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 82 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 51 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 59 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 75 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 82 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPermissions': the method is declared in an interface type | 45 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPermissionsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 52 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setPermissions': the method is declared in an interface type | 60 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setPermissionsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 68 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addPermission': the method is declared in an interface type | 75 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removePermission': the method is declared in an interface type | 82 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGroups': the method is declared in an interface type | 89 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setGroups': the method is declared in an interface type | 97 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeGroup': the method is declared in an interface type | 104 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addGroup': the method is declared in an interface type | 111 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setGroupsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 119 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGroupsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 126 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDelegatees': the method is declared in an interface type | 47 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setDelegatees': the method is declared in an interface type | 55 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDelegators': the method is declared in an interface type | 63 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setDelegators': the method is declared in an interface type | 71 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 37–120 |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 37–120 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 39 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 46–57 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 50 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 65 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRoles(RoleSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 65–75 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 67–74 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 83 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 83–86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 85 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 94–97 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 94 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 96 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRolesAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 105–108 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 105 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRolesAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 116–119 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 37–120 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 37–120 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 39 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 46–57 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 50 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 65 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRoles(RoleSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 65–75 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 67–74 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 83 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 83–86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 85 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 94–97 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 94 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 96 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRolesAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 105–108 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 105 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRolesAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 116–119 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 39–200 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 39–200 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 41 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 43 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissions()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 50–61 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 54 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissionsAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 69–72 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 80 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setPermissions(PermissionSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 80–90 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 82–89 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setPermissionsAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 98–101 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissions' is not assigned and could be declared final | 98 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 108 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addPermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 108–111 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 110 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removePermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 118–121 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 118 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 120 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getGroups()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 128–139 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 132 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setGroups(GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 147–157 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 147 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 149–156 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeGroup(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 164–167 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 164 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 166 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 174 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addGroup(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 174–177 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 176 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setGroupsAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 185–188 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groups' is not assigned and could be declared final | 185 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getGroupsAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 196–199 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 41–95 |
DataClass | The class 'DynamicUserImpl' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) | 41–95 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 48 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 50 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getDelegatees()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 58–61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegatees' is not assigned and could be declared final | 69 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setDelegatees(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 69–72 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getDelegators()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 80–83 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setDelegators(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 91–94 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegators' is not assigned and could be declared final | 91 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 45–232 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 54 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'conf' is not assigned and could be declared final | 62 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'g' is never used (overwritten on lines 82 and 86) | 79 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like g | 79 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 82 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 89 |
PreserveStackTrace | New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 93 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 113–116 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 113 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 134 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 134–160 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'cascadeDelete' is not assigned and could be declared final | 134 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'roleExists' is never used (overwritten on line 137) | 136 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 137 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 141 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 142 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRoles' could be declared final | 147 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRole' could be declared final | 148 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ugr' could be declared final | 150 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 151 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 151 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 175 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 175–193 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'userExists' is never used (overwritten on line 178) | 177 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 178 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRoles' could be declared final | 182 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRole' could be declared final | 183 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ugr' could be declared final | 185 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 186 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 186 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 208–226 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 208 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'groupExists' is never used (overwritten on line 211) | 210 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 211 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRoles' could be declared final | 215 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRole' could be declared final | 216 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ugr' could be declared final | 218 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 219 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 219 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 46–163 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 49 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 76 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'tu' could be declared final | 80 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like tu | 80 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 81 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'tugr' could be declared final | 81 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'aclInstance' could be declared final | 84 |
LongVariable | Avoid excessively long variable names like turbineUserGroupRoleSet | 110 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'turbineUserGroupRoleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 110 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like g | 125 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'g' is never used (overwritten on lines 128 and 132) | 125 |
UnusedAssignment | The value assigned to variable 'g' is never used | 128 |
PreserveStackTrace | New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 139 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 144–147 |
ExceptionAsFlowControl | Avoid using exceptions as flow control. | 144 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 48–218 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
GodClass | Possible God Class (WMC=57, ATFD=12, TCC=10.526%) | 53–528 |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 55–528 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'roleSets' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 60 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 60 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'permissionSets' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 63 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 63 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 66 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'groupManager' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 69 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 69 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'groupSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 72 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 72 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'roleSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 75 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 75 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'permissionSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 78 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 78 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'logger' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 81 |
SingularField | Perhaps 'logger' could be replaced by a local variable. | 81 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The constructor 'TurbineAccessControlListImpl(Set, GroupManager, RoleManager, TurbineModelManager, Logger)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 11. | 102–167 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'turbineUserGroupRoleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 103 |
LongVariable | Avoid excessively long variable names like turbineUserGroupRoleSet | 103 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupManager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 104 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'logger' is not assigned and could be declared final | 104 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleManager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 104 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'modelManager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 104 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 106 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 107 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ugr' could be declared final | 112 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 114 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 124–137 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'rs' could be declared final | 144 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like rs | 144 |
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops | Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops | 144 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ps' could be declared final | 150 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like ps | 150 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 176 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 180 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 203 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 207 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 231 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 231 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'set' could be declared final | 233 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 236 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 238 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 251 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 251 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 255 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 258 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 260 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 261 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 263 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 278 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 278 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 282 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 284 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'rolename' is not assigned and could be declared final | 300 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 300 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 304 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 306 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 319 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 331 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 335 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 337 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 351 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 351 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'set' could be declared final | 353 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 356 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 358 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 371 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 371 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 375 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 378 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 380 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 381 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 383 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 398 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 398 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 402 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 404 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 418 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 418 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 422 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 424 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 440 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 440 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 447 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 449 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 454 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 457 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 459 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 460 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 462 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 475 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 487 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 491 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 493 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 514–515 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 514–515 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
LongVariable | Avoid excessively long variable names like GLOBAL_GROUP_ATTR_NAME | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on field 'GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME': the field is declared in an interface type | 48 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on enum 'Privilege': the enum is declared in an interface type | 54–56 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGlobalGroupName': the method is declared in an interface type | 78 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 51 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 59 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 76 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 84 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPermissions': the method is declared in an interface type | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPermissionsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 50 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setPermissions': the method is declared in an interface type | 58 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setPermissionsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addPermission': the method is declared in an interface type | 74 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removePermission': the method is declared in an interface type | 81 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 33–72 |
DataClass | The class 'TurbineRolePermissionoff' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) | 33–72 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 59 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 68 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 37–204 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 86 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 97 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 108 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'equals(Object)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 12. | 114–162 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'obj' is not assigned and could be declared final | 114 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 118 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 120–161 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 122 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'mObj' could be declared final | 126 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 127 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 127–137 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 129 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 131 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 136 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 138 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 138–148 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 140 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 142 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 147 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 149 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 149–159 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 151 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 153 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 158 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'hcBuilder' could be declared final | 167 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 169 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 175 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 181 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 193 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 193 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 195 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 195 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 195 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 197 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 197 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 197 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 198 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 199 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 199 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 199 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getUserGroupRoleSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setUserGroupRoleSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 51 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addUserGroupRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 59 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeUserGroupRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 67 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 37–88 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 43 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getUserGroupRoleSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 51–54 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userGroupRoleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 62 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setUserGroupRoleSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 62–65 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userGroupRole' is not assigned and could be declared final | 73 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addUserGroupRole(TurbineUserGroupRole)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 73–76 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 75 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeUserGroupRole(TurbineUserGroupRole)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 84–87 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userGroupRole' is not assigned and could be declared final | 84 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 86 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 32–35 |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 32–35 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 37–120 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 37–120 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 39 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 46–57 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 50 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 65 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRoles(RoleSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 65–75 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 67–74 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 83 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 83–86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 85 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 94 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 94–97 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 96 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 105 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRolesAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 105–108 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRolesAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 116–119 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 36–118 |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 36–118 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 38 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissions()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 45–56 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 49 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissionsAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 64–67 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 75 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setPermissions(PermissionSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 75–85 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 77–84 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setPermissionsAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 94–97 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissions' is not assigned and could be declared final | 94 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addPermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 104–107 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 104 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 106 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removePermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 114–117 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 114 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 116 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 33–174 |
DataClass | The class 'TurbineUserImpl' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=9.091%, NOPA=0, NOAM=10, WMC=11) | 33–174 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 63 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'firstName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 85 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'lastName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 107 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'email' is not assigned and could be declared final | 129 |
MethodReturnsInternalArray | Returning 'objectData' may expose an internal array. | 145 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'objectdata' is not assigned and could be declared final | 154 |
ArrayIsStoredDirectly | The user-supplied array 'objectdata' is stored directly. | 154 |
OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode | Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() | 165 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 33–62 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'conf' is not assigned and could be declared final | 41 |
MissingOverride | The method 'configure(Configuration)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 41–44 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 43 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'className' is not assigned and could be declared final | 57 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 35–192 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 60 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 60 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 63 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 84 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 87 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 103 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 106 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 106 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 128 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 128 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 131 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 131 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 151–173 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 151 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'groupExists' is never used (overwritten on line 162) | 153 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 153 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 163–172 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 187 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 41–196 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the composed field if you want a default access modifier | 43 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 43 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'composed' | 43 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 45 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'manager' | 45 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 46 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 47 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 48 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 49 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'manager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 148 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 161 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'obj' is not assigned and could be declared final | 167 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'lookup' is not assigned and could be declared final | 180 |
AvoidUncheckedExceptionsInSignatures | A method or constructor should not explicitly declare unchecked exceptions in its 'throws' clause | 180 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'component' is never used (overwritten on line 186) | 182 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 36–196 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 61 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 61 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 64 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 84 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'perm' could be declared final | 86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 87 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 103 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 106 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 106 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 128 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 128 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 131 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 131 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 151–177 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 151 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'permissionExists' is never used (overwritten on line 164) | 153 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 153 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 170 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 191 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 36–213 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 66 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 66 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 69 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 92 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 94 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 95 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 116 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 119 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 119 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 143 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 143 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 146 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 146 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 168 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 168–195 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 170 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'roleExists' is never used (overwritten on line 181) | 170 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 187 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 209 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 42–337 |
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass | Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. | 55 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 55 |
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass | Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. | 56 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 56 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 62 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 64 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 79 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 102 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 102 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 104 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 110 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 113 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 113 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 135 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 135 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 138 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 138 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 163 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 163 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'newPassword' is not assigned and could be declared final | 194 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 194 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'oldPassword' is not assigned and could be declared final | 194 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 230 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 230 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 259 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 259 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 262 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 283 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 285 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 286 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 304 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 304 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 319 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 42 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 57 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'nested' is not assigned and could be declared final | 57 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 42 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 41 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'nested' is not assigned and could be declared final | 56 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 56 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groups' is not assigned and could be declared final | 61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 77 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupId' is not assigned and could be declared final | 92 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 106 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 106 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 107 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 42 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissions' is not assigned and could be declared final | 61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 78 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionId' is not assigned and could be declared final | 94 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 108 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 108 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 109 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 77 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleId' is not assigned and could be declared final | 92 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 106 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 106 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 107 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AbstractNaming | Abstract classes should be named AbstractXXX | 48–347 |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 48–347 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'nameMap' | 53 |
UnusedAssignment | The field initializer for 'nameMap' is never used (overwritten on line 63) | 53 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 53 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 56 |
UnusedAssignment | The field initializer for 'idMap' is never used (overwritten on line 64) | 56 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'idMap' | 56 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 63 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 64 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 114 |
SimplifiedTernary | Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && | 116 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 125 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 125 |
SimplifiedTernary | Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && | 127 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 138 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sbuf' could be declared final | 160 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'it' could be declared final | 162 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'se' could be declared final | 163 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like se | 163 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 165 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 167 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'o' is not assigned and could be declared final | 182 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 182 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 186 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 209 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 215 |
ForLoopsMustUseBraces | Avoid using for statements without curly braces | 219–220 |
ControlStatementBraces | This statement should have braces | 219–220 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'o' could be declared final | 219 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 232 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'object' could be declared final | 234 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 238 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 245 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'object' could be declared final | 248 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'result' could be declared final | 250 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 261 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 274 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'o' is not assigned and could be declared final | 284 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 284 |
SimplifyConditional | No need to check for null before an instanceof | 286 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 288 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 303 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'o' is not assigned and could be declared final | 303 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'res' could be declared final | 307 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 310 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like a | 320 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'a' is not assigned and could be declared final | 320 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 322 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 332 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 343 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 343 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 42 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'nested' is not assigned and could be declared final | 57 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 57 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'users' is not assigned and could be declared final | 58 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 74 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userId' is not assigned and could be declared final | 89 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 103 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 103 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 104 |
Priority 4
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as '' | 23 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ShortClassName | Avoid short class names like Role | 31–34 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ShortClassName | Avoid short class names like User | 29–57 |
Priority 5
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'equals' (lines '99'-'104'). | 99–104 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'equals' (lines '99'-'108'). | 99–108 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'equals' (lines '99'-'112'). | 99–112 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'accessControlList' (lines '57'-'65'). | 57–65 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'permissionExists' (lines '59'-'60'). | 59–60 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'groupExists' (lines '91'-'92'). | 91–92 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'userExists' (lines '129'-'130'). | 129–130 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleExists' (lines '161'-'162'). | 161–162 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'accessControlList' (lines '101'-'108'). | 101–108 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleFound' (lines '204'-'219'). | 204–219 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleFound' (lines '204'-'213'). | 204–213 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleFound' (lines '213'-'219'). | 213–219 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleFound' (lines '213'-'213'). | 213 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'role' (lines '236'-'257'). | 236–257 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'permission' (lines '381'-'400'). | 381–400 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'g' (lines '79'-'82'). | 79–82 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'g' (lines '82'-'86'). | 82–86 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleExists' (lines '136'-'137'). | 136–137 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'userExists' (lines '177'-'178'). | 177–178 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'groupExists' (lines '210'-'211'). | 210–211 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'groupManager' (lines '112'-'119'). | 112–119 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleManager' (lines '113'-'118'). | 113–118 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'modelManager' (lines '114'-'120'). | 114–120 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'roleManager' (lines '118'-'161'). | 118–161 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'g' (lines '125'-'128'). | 125–128 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'g' (lines '128'-'132'). | 128–132 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'accessControlList' (lines '152'-'161'). | 152–161 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'permission' (lines '445'-'466'). | 445–466 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'groupExists' (lines '153'-'162'). | 153–162 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'groupExists' (lines '153'-'173'). | 153–173 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'component' (lines '182'-'186'). | 182–186 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'component' (lines '186'-'194'). | 186–194 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'permissionExists' (lines '153'-'164'). | 153–164 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'permissionExists' (lines '153'-'177'). | 153–177 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleExists' (lines '170'-'181'). | 170–181 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'roleExists' (lines '170'-'195'). | 170–195 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'changed' (lines '247'-'253'). | 247–253 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'changed' (lines '253'-'253'). | 253 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 41–212 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 43 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'manager' | 3 | 43 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the userClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 3 | 47 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 47 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 3 | 47 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the groupClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 3 | 48 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 48 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 3 | 48 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 49 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the permissionClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 3 | 49 |
LongVariable | Avoid excessively long variable names like permissionClassName | 3 | 49 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 3 | 49 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 3 | 50 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the roleClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 3 | 50 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 50 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 51 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 3 | 51 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the aclClassName field if you want a default access modifier | 3 | 51 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 53 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'userManager' | 3 | 53 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'roleManager' | 3 | 55 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 55 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'groupManager' | 3 | 57 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 57 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'permissionManager' | 3 | 59 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 59 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 61 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'modelManager' | 3 | 61 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getUserManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 68–82 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 78 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getGroupManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 89–103 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 99 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoleManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 110–124 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 120 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissionManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 131–145 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 141 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getModelManager()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 152–166 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 162 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'manager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 179 |
MissingOverride | The method 'service(ServiceManager)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 179–182 |
MissingOverride | The method 'initialize()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 191–198 |
SignatureDeclareThrowsException | A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception | 3 | 191 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 193 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 194 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 195 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 196 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 197 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 210 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 105 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ConstantsInInterface | Avoid constants in interfaces. Interfaces define types, constants are implementation details better placed in classes or enums. See Effective Java, item 19. | 3 | 34 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 106 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as '' | 4 | 23 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 104 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 129 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 43 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifiers 'public static final' on field 'ROLE': the field is declared in an interface type | 3 | 35 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'authenticate': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 37 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 47–114 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the composed field if you want a default access modifier | 3 | 49 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 3 | 49 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'composed' | 3 | 49 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 50 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'cryptoService' | 3 | 50 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 51 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 52 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 67 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 67 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ca' could be declared final | 3 | 71 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like ca | 3 | 71 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 72 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 73 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'output' could be declared final | 3 | 73 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 74 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 80 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'conf' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 91 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 93 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 94 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'manager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 101 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 112 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 37–46 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 43 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 43 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 36–55 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 46 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 46 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 48 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 51 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'referenced' could be declared final | 3 | 51 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'tested' could be declared final | 3 | 52 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 53 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ShortClassName | Avoid short class names like Role | 4 | 31–34 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 66 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ShortClassName | Avoid short class names like User | 4 | 29–57 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 34–127 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 43 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getId()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 48–51 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 56 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setId(Object)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 56–59 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 56 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getName()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 64–67 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 75 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setName(String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 75–83 |
AvoidUncheckedExceptionsInSignatures | A method or constructor should not explicitly declare unchecked exceptions in its 'throws' clause | 3 | 75 |
UseLocaleWithCaseConversions | When doing a String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() call, use a Locale | 3 | 81 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 88 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'o' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 97 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 3 | 97 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'equals' (lines '99'-'104'). | 5 | 99–104 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'equals' (lines '99'-'108'). | 5 | 99–108 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'equals' is never used (overwritten on lines 104, 108 and 112) | 3 | 99 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'equals' (lines '99'-'112'). | 5 | 99–112 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'id' could be declared final | 3 | 100 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 100 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 106–113 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 36–85 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 51 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'accessControlList' (lines '57'-'65'). | 5 | 57–65 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 59 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 70 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getAccessControlList(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 70–84 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'groupSet' could be declared final | 3 | 72 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'aclInstance' could be declared final | 3 | 77 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 82 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ImmutableField | Private field 'groupSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 42 |
UnusedAssignment | The field initializer for 'groupSet' is never used (overwritten on line 61) | 3 | 42 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 42 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 59 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getGroups()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 69–72 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasGroup(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 81–84 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 81 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasGroup(String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 93–103 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 93 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 97 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 99 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'grant': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 50 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'revoke': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 62 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'revokeAll': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 76 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getUsers': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 42 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setUsers': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 50 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getUsersAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 58 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setUsersAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addUser': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 75 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeUser': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 83 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGroups': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 42 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setGroups': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 50 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeGroup': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 58 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addGroup': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 66 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setGroupsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 74 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGroupsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 81 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 36–125 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 44 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getUsers()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 51–62 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 55 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setUsers(UserSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 70–80 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 70 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 72–79 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getUsersAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 88–91 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setUsersAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 99–102 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'users' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 99 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addUser(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 110–113 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 110 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 112 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 121 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeUser(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 121–124 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 123 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 38–181 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 49 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 80 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 95 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groups' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 111 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 113–120 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 130 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 132 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 142 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 144 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groups' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 154 |
OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode | Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() | 3 | 177 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 43–223 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 43–223 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 57 |
MissingOverride | The method 'revokeAll(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 57–75 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 57–75 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'permissionExists' (lines '59'-'60'). | 5 | 59–60 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'permissionExists' is never used (overwritten on line 60) | 3 | 59 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 60 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 3 | 63 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role2' could be declared final | 3 | 64 |
MissingOverride | The method 'revokeAll(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 89–113 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 89–113 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 89 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'groupExists' (lines '91'-'92'). | 5 | 91–92 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'groupExists' is never used (overwritten on line 92) | 3 | 91 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 92 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'users' could be declared final | 3 | 95 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 3 | 96 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 3 | 101 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role2' could be declared final | 3 | 102 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 127–145 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 127 |
MissingOverride | The method 'revokeAll(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 127–145 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'userExists' is never used (overwritten on line 130) | 3 | 129 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'userExists' (lines '129'-'130'). | 5 | 129–130 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 130 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'groups' could be declared final | 3 | 133 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 134 |
MissingOverride | The method 'revokeAll(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 159–182 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 159–182 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 159 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'roleExists' is never used (overwritten on line 162) | 3 | 161 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleExists' (lines '161'-'162'). | 5 | 161–162 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 162 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'groups' could be declared final | 3 | 165 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 166 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 3 | 171 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 3 | 172 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegator' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 189 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addDelegate(User, User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 189–201 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegatee' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 189 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'dynamicDelegator' could be declared final | 3 | 191 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'dynamicDelegatee' could be declared final | 3 | 192 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 198 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 199 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegatee' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 207 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegator' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 207 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeDelegate(User, User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 207–222 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'dynamicDelegator' could be declared final | 3 | 209 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'dynamicDelegatee' could be declared final | 3 | 210 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 212 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 212 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 214 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 215 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 47–155 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getAccessControlList(User)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 52–78 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 52 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 54 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roleSets' could be declared final | 3 | 54 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 54 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 55 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 55 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissionSets' could be declared final | 3 | 55 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'users' could be declared final | 3 | 57 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 57 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'aUser' could be declared final | 3 | 63 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'aclInstance' could be declared final | 3 | 71 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 76 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 95 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissions' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 96 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'accessControlList' (lines '101'-'108'). | 5 | 101–108 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 103 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'users' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 118 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 118 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'u' could be declared final | 3 | 120 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'delegatorUser' could be declared final | 3 | 123 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSets' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 142 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionSets' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 142 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 142 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 144 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roleSet' could be declared final | 3 | 146 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'r' could be declared final | 3 | 148 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 3 | 150 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 151 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 3 | 46–227 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
GodClass | Possible God Class (WMC=53, ATFD=11, TCC=22.059%) | 3 | 38–429 |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 3 | 39–429 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'roleSets' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 49 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 49 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'permissionSets' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 52 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 52 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 55 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'groupSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 55 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'roleSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 58 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 58 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 61 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'permissionSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSets' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 80 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionSets' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 81 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'entry' could be declared final | 3 | 84 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 86 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'rs' could be declared final | 3 | 88 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like rs | 3 | 88 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'entry' could be declared final | 3 | 92 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 3 | 94 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like ps | 3 | 96 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ps' could be declared final | 3 | 96 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 107 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 107–114 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 110 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 121–123 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 131 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissions(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 131–144 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissionSet' could be declared final | 3 | 132 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 3 | 135 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissions()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 151–153 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(Role, Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 162–169 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 162 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 162 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'set' could be declared final | 3 | 163 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 166 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 168 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 179 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(Role, GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 179–194 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 179 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 182 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 185 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 3 | 187 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 188 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 190 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(String, String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 203–222 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 203 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 203 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleFound' (lines '204'-'219'). | 5 | 204–219 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleFound' (lines '204'-'213'). | 5 | 204–213 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'entry' could be declared final | 3 | 207 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like g | 3 | 209 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'g' could be declared final | 3 | 209 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 210 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 210 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like rs | 3 | 212 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'rs' could be declared final | 3 | 212 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleFound' (lines '213'-'219'). | 5 | 213–219 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleFound' (lines '213'-'213'). | 5 | 213 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 213 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 217 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(String, GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 232–257 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 232 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'rolename' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 232 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'role' (lines '236'-'257'). | 5 | 236–257 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 238 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 240 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 245 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 248 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 3 | 250 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 251 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 253 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 266–268 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 266 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasRole(String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 276–285 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 276 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 279 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 281 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 295 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 295 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(Permission, Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 295–302 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'set' could be declared final | 3 | 296 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 299 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 301 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 313 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 313 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(Permission, GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 313–328 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 316 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 319 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 3 | 321 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 322 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 324 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 338 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(String, String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 338–347 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 338 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 341 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 343 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(String, Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 357–366 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 357 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 357 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 360 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 362 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 377 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 377 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(String, GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 377–400 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'permission' (lines '381'-'400'). | 5 | 381–400 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 382 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 383 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 388 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 391 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 3 | 393 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 394 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 396 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 408 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 408–410 |
MissingOverride | The method 'hasPermission(String)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 419–428 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 419 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 422 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 424 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 3 | 38–212 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 51 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 59 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 75 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 82 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 51 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 59 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 75 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 82 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPermissions': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 45 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPermissionsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 52 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setPermissions': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 60 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setPermissionsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 68 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addPermission': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 75 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removePermission': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 82 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGroups': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 89 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setGroups': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 97 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeGroup': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 104 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addGroup': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 111 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setGroupsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 119 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGroupsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 126 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDelegatees': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 47 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setDelegatees': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 55 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDelegators': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 63 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setDelegators': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 71 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 37–120 |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 37–120 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 39 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 46–57 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 50 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 65 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRoles(RoleSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 65–75 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 67–74 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 83 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 83–86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 85 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 94–97 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 94 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 96 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRolesAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 105–108 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 105 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRolesAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 116–119 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 37–120 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 37–120 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 39 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 46–57 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 50 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 65 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRoles(RoleSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 65–75 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 67–74 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 83 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 83–86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 85 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 94–97 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 94 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 96 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRolesAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 105–108 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 105 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRolesAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 116–119 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 39–200 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 39–200 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 41 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 43 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissions()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 50–61 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 54 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissionsAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 69–72 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 80 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setPermissions(PermissionSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 80–90 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 82–89 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setPermissionsAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 98–101 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissions' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 98 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 108 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addPermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 108–111 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 110 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removePermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 118–121 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 118 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 120 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getGroups()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 128–139 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 132 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setGroups(GroupSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 147–157 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 147 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 149–156 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeGroup(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 164–167 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 164 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 166 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 174 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addGroup(Group)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 174–177 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 176 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setGroupsAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 185–188 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groups' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 185 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getGroupsAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 196–199 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 41–95 |
DataClass | The class 'DynamicUserImpl' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) | 3 | 41–95 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 48 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 50 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getDelegatees()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 58–61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegatees' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 69 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setDelegatees(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 69–72 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getDelegators()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 80–83 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setDelegators(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 91–94 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'delegators' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 91 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 45–232 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 54 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'conf' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 62 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'g' (lines '79'-'82'). | 5 | 79–82 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'g' is never used (overwritten on lines 82 and 86) | 3 | 79 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like g | 3 | 79 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'g' (lines '82'-'86'). | 5 | 82–86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 82 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 89 |
PreserveStackTrace | New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 3 | 93 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 113–116 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 113 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 134 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 134–160 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'cascadeDelete' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 134 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'roleExists' is never used (overwritten on line 137) | 3 | 136 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleExists' (lines '136'-'137'). | 5 | 136–137 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 137 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 3 | 141 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 3 | 142 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRoles' could be declared final | 3 | 147 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRole' could be declared final | 3 | 148 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ugr' could be declared final | 3 | 150 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 151 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 151 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 175 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 175–193 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'userExists' (lines '177'-'178'). | 5 | 177–178 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'userExists' is never used (overwritten on line 178) | 3 | 177 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 178 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRoles' could be declared final | 3 | 182 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRole' could be declared final | 3 | 183 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ugr' could be declared final | 3 | 185 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 186 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 186 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 208–226 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 208 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'groupExists' is never used (overwritten on line 211) | 3 | 210 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'groupExists' (lines '210'-'211'). | 5 | 210–211 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 211 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRoles' could be declared final | 3 | 215 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'userGroupRole' could be declared final | 3 | 216 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ugr' could be declared final | 3 | 218 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 219 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 219 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 46–163 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 49 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 76 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'tu' could be declared final | 3 | 80 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like tu | 3 | 80 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 81 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'tugr' could be declared final | 3 | 81 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'aclInstance' could be declared final | 3 | 84 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 89 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 93 |
LongVariable | Avoid excessively long variable names like turbineUserGroupRoleSet | 3 | 110 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'turbineUserGroupRoleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 110 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'groupManager' (lines '112'-'119'). | 5 | 112–119 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleManager' (lines '113'-'118'). | 5 | 113–118 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'modelManager' (lines '114'-'120'). | 5 | 114–120 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'roleManager' (lines '118'-'161'). | 5 | 118–161 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like g | 3 | 125 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'g' is never used (overwritten on lines 128 and 132) | 3 | 125 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'g' (lines '125'-'128'). | 5 | 125–128 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'g' (lines '128'-'132'). | 5 | 128–132 |
UnusedAssignment | The value assigned to variable 'g' is never used | 3 | 128 |
PreserveStackTrace | New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 3 | 139 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 3 | 144–147 |
ExceptionAsFlowControl | Avoid using exceptions as flow control. | 3 | 144 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'accessControlList' (lines '152'-'161'). | 5 | 152–161 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 3 | 48–218 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
GodClass | Possible God Class (WMC=57, ATFD=12, TCC=10.526%) | 3 | 53–528 |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 3 | 55–528 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'roleSets' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 60 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 60 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'permissionSets' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 63 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 63 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 66 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'groupManager' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 69 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 69 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'groupSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 72 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 72 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'roleSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 75 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 75 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'permissionSet' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 78 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 78 |
ImmutableField | Private field 'logger' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 81 |
LoggerIsNotStaticFinal | The Logger variable declaration does not contain the static and final modifiers | 2 | 81 |
SingularField | Perhaps 'logger' could be replaced by a local variable. | 3 | 81 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The constructor 'TurbineAccessControlListImpl(Set, GroupManager, RoleManager, TurbineModelManager, Logger)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 11. | 3 | 102–167 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'turbineUserGroupRoleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 103 |
LongVariable | Avoid excessively long variable names like turbineUserGroupRoleSet | 3 | 103 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupManager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 104 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'logger' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 104 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleManager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 104 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'modelManager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 104 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 106 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 107 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ugr' could be declared final | 3 | 112 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 114 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 124–137 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'rs' could be declared final | 3 | 144 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like rs | 3 | 144 |
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops | Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops | 3 | 144 |
ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod | Overridable method 'getPermissions' called during object construction | 1 | 150 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'ps' could be declared final | 3 | 150 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like ps | 3 | 150 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 176 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 180 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 203 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 207 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 231 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 231 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'set' could be declared final | 3 | 233 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 236 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 238 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 251 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 251 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 255 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 258 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'roles' could be declared final | 3 | 260 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 261 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 263 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 278 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 278 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 282 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 284 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'rolename' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 300 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 300 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 304 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 306 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 319 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 331 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 335 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 337 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 351 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 351 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'set' could be declared final | 3 | 353 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 356 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 358 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 371 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 371 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 375 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 378 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 3 | 380 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 381 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 383 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 398 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 398 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 402 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 404 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 418 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 418 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 422 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 424 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 440 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupset' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 440 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'permission' (lines '445'-'466'). | 5 | 445–466 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 447 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 449 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 454 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 457 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permissions' could be declared final | 3 | 459 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 460 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 462 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 475 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 487 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 491 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 493 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 514–515 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 514–515 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
LongVariable | Avoid excessively long variable names like GLOBAL_GROUP_ATTR_NAME | 3 | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on field 'GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME': the field is declared in an interface type | 3 | 48 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on enum 'Privilege': the enum is declared in an interface type | 3 | 54–56 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getGlobalGroupName': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 78 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRoles': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 51 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 59 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 76 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getRolesAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 84 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPermissions': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPermissionsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 50 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setPermissions': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 58 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setPermissionsAsSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 67 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addPermission': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 74 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removePermission': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 81 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 33–72 |
DataClass | The class 'TurbineRolePermissionoff' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) | 3 | 33–72 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 59 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 68 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 37–204 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 86 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 97 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 108 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'equals(Object)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 12. | 3 | 114–162 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'obj' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 114 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 118 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 120–161 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 122 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'mObj' could be declared final | 3 | 126 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 127 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 127–137 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 129 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 131 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 136 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 138 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 138–148 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 140 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 142 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 147 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 149 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 149–159 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 151 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 153 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 158 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'hcBuilder' could be declared final | 3 | 167 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 3 | 169 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 3 | 175 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 181 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 3 | 193 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 3 | 193 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 195 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 195 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 195 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 196 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 197 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 197 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 197 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 198 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 199 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 199 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 199 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getUserGroupRoleSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 43 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'setUserGroupRoleSet': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 51 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'addUserGroupRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 59 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'removeUserGroupRole': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 67 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 37–88 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 43 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getUserGroupRoleSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 51–54 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userGroupRoleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 62 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setUserGroupRoleSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 62–65 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userGroupRole' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 73 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addUserGroupRole(TurbineUserGroupRole)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 73–76 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 75 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeUserGroupRole(TurbineUserGroupRole)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 84–87 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userGroupRole' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 84 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 86 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 32–35 |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 32–35 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 37–120 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 37–120 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 39 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRoles()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 46–57 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 50 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 65 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRoles(RoleSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 65–75 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 67–74 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 83 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 83–86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 85 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 94 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removeRole(Role)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 94–97 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 96 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 105 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setRolesAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 105–108 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getRolesAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 116–119 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 36–118 |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 36–118 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 38 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissions()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 45–56 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 49 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPermissionsAsSet()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 64–67 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionSet' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 75 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setPermissions(PermissionSet)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 75–85 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 77–84 |
MissingOverride | The method 'setPermissionsAsSet(Set)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 94–97 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissions' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 94 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addPermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 104–107 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 104 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 106 |
MissingOverride | The method 'removePermission(Permission)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 114–117 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 114 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 116 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 33–174 |
DataClass | The class 'TurbineUserImpl' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=9.091%, NOPA=0, NOAM=10, WMC=11) | 3 | 33–174 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 63 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'firstName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 85 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'lastName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 107 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'email' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 129 |
MethodReturnsInternalArray | Returning 'objectData' may expose an internal array. | 3 | 145 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'objectdata' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 154 |
ArrayIsStoredDirectly | The user-supplied array 'objectdata' is stored directly. | 3 | 154 |
OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode | Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() | 3 | 165 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 33–62 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'conf' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 41 |
MissingOverride | The method 'configure(Configuration)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 41–44 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 43 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'className' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 57 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 35–192 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 60 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 60 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 63 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 84 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 87 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 103 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 106 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 106 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 128 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 128 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 131 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'group' could be declared final | 3 | 131 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 151–173 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 151 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'groupExists' is never used (overwritten on line 162) | 3 | 153 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'groupExists' (lines '153'-'162'). | 5 | 153–162 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'groupExists' (lines '153'-'173'). | 5 | 153–173 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 3 | 153 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 163–172 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'group' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 187 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 41–196 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the composed field if you want a default access modifier | 3 | 43 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 3 | 43 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'composed' | 3 | 43 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 45 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'manager' | 3 | 45 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 46 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 47 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 48 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 49 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'manager' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 148 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 161 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'obj' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 167 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'lookup' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 180 |
AvoidUncheckedExceptionsInSignatures | A method or constructor should not explicitly declare unchecked exceptions in its 'throws' clause | 3 | 180 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'component' (lines '182'-'186'). | 5 | 182–186 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'component' is never used (overwritten on line 186) | 3 | 182 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'component' (lines '186'-'194'). | 5 | 186–194 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 190 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 36–196 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 3 | 61 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 61 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 64 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 84 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'perm' could be declared final | 3 | 86 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 87 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 103 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 3 | 106 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 106 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 128 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 128 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 131 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'permission' could be declared final | 3 | 131 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 151–177 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 151 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'permissionExists' (lines '153'-'164'). | 5 | 153–164 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'permissionExists' is never used (overwritten on line 164) | 3 | 153 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 3 | 153 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'permissionExists' (lines '153'-'177'). | 5 | 153–177 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 170 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permission' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 191 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 36–213 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 66 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 3 | 66 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 69 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 92 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 3 | 94 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 95 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 116 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 119 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 3 | 119 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 143 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 143 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'role' could be declared final | 3 | 146 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 146 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 168 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 168–195 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 3 | 170 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'roleExists' (lines '170'-'181'). | 5 | 170–181 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DU'-anomaly for variable 'roleExists' (lines '170'-'195'). | 5 | 170–195 |
UnusedAssignment | The initializer for variable 'roleExists' is never used (overwritten on line 181) | 3 | 170 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 187 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'role' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 209 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AtLeastOneConstructor | Each class should declare at least one constructor | 3 | 42–337 |
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass | Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. | 3 | 55 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 55 |
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass | Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. | 3 | 56 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 56 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 62 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 64 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 79 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 102 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 102 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 3 | 104 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 110 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 3 | 113 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 113 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 135 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 135 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 3 | 138 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 138 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 163 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 163 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'newPassword' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 194 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 194 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'oldPassword' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 194 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 230 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 230 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 259 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 3 | 259 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 262 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 283 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'user' could be declared final | 3 | 285 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 286 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'user' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 304 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'password' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 304 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 319 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 42 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 57 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'nested' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 57 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 42 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 41 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'nested' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 56 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 56 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groups' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 77 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'groupId' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 92 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 3 | 106 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 3 | 106 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 107 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 42 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissions' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 78 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'permissionId' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 94 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 3 | 108 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 3 | 108 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 109 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roles' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 61 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 77 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'roleId' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 92 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 3 | 106 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 3 | 106 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 107 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AbstractNaming | Abstract classes should be named AbstractXXX | 3 | 48–347 |
TooManyMethods | This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. | 3 | 48–347 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'nameMap' | 3 | 53 |
UnusedAssignment | The field initializer for 'nameMap' is never used (overwritten on line 63) | 3 | 53 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 53 |
BeanMembersShouldSerialize | Found non-transient, non-static member. Please mark as transient or provide accessors. | 3 | 56 |
UnusedAssignment | The field initializer for 'idMap' is never used (overwritten on line 64) | 3 | 56 |
RedundantFieldInitializer | Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'idMap' | 3 | 56 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 63 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 64 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 114 |
SimplifiedTernary | Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && | 3 | 116 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 125 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 125 |
SimplifiedTernary | Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && | 3 | 127 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 138 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sbuf' could be declared final | 3 | 160 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'it' could be declared final | 3 | 162 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'se' could be declared final | 3 | 163 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like se | 3 | 163 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 165 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (object not created locally) | 3 | 167 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'o' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 182 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 3 | 182 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 186 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 209 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 215 |
ForLoopsMustUseBraces | Avoid using for statements without curly braces | 3 | 219–220 |
ControlStatementBraces | This statement should have braces | 3 | 219–220 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'o' could be declared final | 3 | 219 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 232 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'object' could be declared final | 3 | 234 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 238 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 245 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'changed' (lines '247'-'253'). | 5 | 247–253 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'object' could be declared final | 3 | 248 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'result' could be declared final | 3 | 250 |
DataflowAnomalyAnalysis | Found 'DD'-anomaly for variable 'changed' (lines '253'-'253'). | 5 | 253 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'collection' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 261 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 263 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 274 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'o' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 284 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 3 | 284 |
SimplifyConditional | No need to check for null before an instanceof | 3 | 286 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 288 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 3 | 303 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'o' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 303 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'res' could be declared final | 3 | 307 |
OnlyOneReturn | A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method | 3 | 310 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like a | 3 | 320 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'a' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 320 |
LawOfDemeter | Potential violation of Law of Demeter (method chain calls) | 3 | 322 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'name' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 332 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'id' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 343 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 343 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 42 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'nested' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 57 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'msg' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 57 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'users' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 58 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userName' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 74 |
MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal | Parameter 'userId' is not assigned and could be declared final | 3 | 89 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 3 | 103 |
LocalVariableCouldBeFinal | Local variable 'sb' could be declared final | 3 | 103 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 104 |