Rat (Release Audit Tool) results

The following document contains the results of Rat (Release Audit Tool).

Generated at: 2021-09-09T16:27:08+02:00

Notes: 2
Binaries: 0
Archives: 0
Standards: 20

Apache Licensed: 19
Generated Documents: 0

JavaDocs are generated, thus a license header is optional.
Generated files do not require license headers.

1 Unknown Licenses


Files with unapproved licenses:



  Files with Apache License headers will be marked AL
  Binary files (which do not require any license headers) will be marked B
  Compressed archives will be marked A
  Notices, licenses etc. will be marked N
  N     LICENSE.txt
  N     NOTICE.txt
  AL    pom.xml
  AL    src/changes/changes.xml
  AL    src/java/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/CachedObject.java
  AL    src/java/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/GlobalCacheService.java
  AL    src/java/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/impl/DefaultGlobalCacheService.java
  AL    src/java/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/impl/EHCacheService.java
  AL    src/java/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/impl/JCSCacheService.java
  AL    src/java/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/ObjectExpiredException.java
  AL    src/java/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/Refreshable.java
  AL    src/java/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/RefreshableCachedObject.java
  AL    src/site/site.xml
  AL    src/test/cache.ccf
  AL    src/test/log4j2-test.xml
  AL    src/test/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/CacheTest.java
  AL    src/test/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/EHCacheTest.java
  AL    src/test/org/apache/fulcrum/cache/JCSCacheTest.java
 !????? src/test/simplelogger.properties
  AL    src/test/TestComponentConfig.xml
  AL    src/test/TestRoleConfig.xml
  AL    xdocs/index.xml

 Printing headers for text files without a valid license header...
== File: src/test/simplelogger.properties
# SLF4J's SimpleLogger configuration file
# Simple implementation of Logger that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.err.


# Default logging detail level for all instances of SimpleLogger.
# Must be one of ("trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error").
# If not specified, defaults to "info".

# Logging detail level for a SimpleLogger instance named "xxxxx".
# Must be one of ("trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error").
# If not specified, the default logging detail level is used.

# Set to true if you want the current date and time to be included in output messages.
# Default is false, and will output the number of milliseconds elapsed since startup.

# The date and time format to be used in the output messages.
# The pattern describing the date and time format is the same that is used in java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
# If the format is not specified or is invalid, the default format is used.
# The default format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS Z.
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS Z

# Set to true if you want to output the current thread name.
# Defaults to true.

# Set to true if you want the Logger instance name to be included in output messages.
# Defaults to true.

# Set to true if you want the last component of the name to be included in output messages.
# Defaults to false.