Package org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
package org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
Screen class implementations.
KlassenKlasseBeschreibungBase JSP Screen that should be subclassed by screens that want to use JSP.A Screen class for dealing with JSON-RPC requests.An extension to JSONScreen that performs a Security Check before invoking doBuildTemplate().Directs errors at the Jsp error template defined in template.error.Veraltet.Use VelocityScreen directlyVeraltet.Use VelocitySecureScreen directlyA Screen class for dealing with JSON requests.Base class for writing Screens that output binary data.Template Screen.VelocityCachedScreen is Turbine 2.3.3 VelocityDirectScreen (same package) with methods added for
.VelocityDirectScreen is a screen class which returns its output directly to the output stream.VelocityErrorScreen screen - directs errors at the velocity error template defined in template.error.Base Velocity Screen.VelocitySecureScreen Always performs a Security Check that you've defined before executing the doBuildTemplate().