Class LayoutTemplateMapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LayoutTemplateMapper
    extends BaseTemplateMapper
    implements Mapper
    This mapper is responsible for the lookup of templates for the Layout It tries to look in various packages for a match: 1. about,directions,Driving.vm <- exact match 2. about,directions,Default.vm <- package match, Default name 3. about,Default.vm <- stepping up in the hierarchy 4. Default.vm <- The name configured as default.layout.template in the corresponding Templating Engine
    Henning P. Schmiedehausen
    • Constructor Detail

      • LayoutTemplateMapper

        public LayoutTemplateMapper()
        Default C'tor. If you use this C'tor, you must use the bean setter to set the various properties needed for this mapper before first usage.
    • Method Detail

      • doMapping

        public String doMapping​(String template)
        Look for a given Template, then try the defaults until we hit the root.
        Specified by:
        doMapping in class BaseMapper
        template - The template name.
        The parsed module name.