Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen

This test case is to verify whether exceptions in Velocity actions are properly bubbled up when action.event.bubbleexception=true.
Test class for AnnotatedMethodsTest to test method fields annotation
Tests the various annotations
An english resource bundle for use in testing.
An english resource bundle for use in testing.
An english resource bundle for use in testing.
Base functionality to be extended by all Apache Turbine test cases.
A base class to implement tests that need a running Turbine framework on it.
Testing of the Fulcrum BaseValueParser class
Testing of the BrowserDetector class.
Tests the class mapping of the Template Service for screen, layout and navigation.
Tests that the ConfigurationFactory and regular old properties methods both work.
Test class for DateFormatter.
Test class for DateTimeFormatter.
This is a test class for the template service.
This is a test class for the template service.
This is a test class for the template service.
Tests TurbinePipeline.
Tests TurbinePipeline.
DefaultSessionTimeoutValve is deprecated
Tests TurbinePipeline.
Tests TurbinePipeline.
Tests all the various defaults for the Template Service.
Can we call "destroy" unconditionally on our Turbine Servlet, even if it hasn't configured?
Tests TurbinePipeline.
Tests TurbinePipeline.
Tests ExecutePageValve.
This is a test class for the template service.
This is a test class for the template service.
This is a test class for the template service.
Unit test for Accessing the Fulcrum Cache component via the CacheServiceFacade and the Component within Turbine.
Verifies the Fulcrum Crypto Service works properly in Turbine.
Unit test for Accessing the Fulcrum Mimetype component within Turbine.
Testing of the HtmlPageAttributes class
Tests startup of the Template Service and registration of the Velocity Service.
Unit test for Intake Tool, wrapping the Fulcrum Intake service.
Unit testing for Job Entries.
Unit testing for JobQueue.
Unit test for verifing that we can load all the appropriate components from the appropriate Container.
Unit test for Localization Tool.
Test form for Intake
Retriever and RetrieverFactory are deprecated
OMTool is deprecated
This is a test class for the template service.
This is a test class for the template service.
This is a test class for the template service.
Tests startup of the Velocity Service and translation of various path patterns.
Tests TurbinePipeline.
Tests TurbinePipeline.
Unit testing for the quartz implementation of the scheduler service.
Unit test for Localization Tool.
Test that the SecurityService works properly by comparing behaviour of Turbine and Fulcrum security services using memory user manager.
This service is used for testing injection of services in fields and methods and class level declaration of TurbineService without interface.
This service is used for testing 2nd level injection of services and class level declaration of TurbineService (interface is optional).
Simple job for use with unit testing of the scheduler service.
Tests all the various template mappings for Screen and Layout templates of the template service.
This is a simple component that is only used to test the avalon component service.
Implementation of the test component.
This action is used for testing the Turbine 2 Legacy method signatures.
Simple test to make sure that the AvalonComponentService can be initialized.
This testcase verifies that TurbineConfig can be used to startup Turbine in a non servlet environment properly.
Test Fulcrum Integration.
Unit testing for the non-persistent implementation of the scheduler service.
This testcase verifies that TurbineConfig can be used to startup Turbine in a non servlet environment properly.
Testing of the TurbineURI class
This action is used in testing the ExecutePageValve by the ExecutePageValveTest.
This action is used in testing the ActionLoader for Velocity templates.
Annnotating even an assembler as TurbineService on class level we could omit annotations for fields if class is a Turbine service.
This action is used in testing the injection of services.
This action is used to test the secure action methods.