001package org.apache.turbine.services.localization;
003import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
004import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
005import java.util.Locale;
007public interface DateTimeFormatterInterface {
008    DateTimeFormatter getDefaultFormat();
010    String getDateTimeFormatPattern();
012    /**
013     * Formats the given datetime as a String with the #{@link DateTimeFormatterService#defaultFormat}.
014     * using the default date format.
015     *
016     * @param the {@link TemporalAccessor to format
017     * @return String value of the date
018     */
019    <T extends TemporalAccessor> String format(T temporalAccessor);
021    /**
022     * Formats the given date as a String.
023     *
024     * @param the TimeDate date to format
025     * @param dateFormatString format string to use.  See {@link DateTimeFormatter}
026     * for details.
027     * @return String value of the date
028     */
029    <T extends TemporalAccessor> String format(T temporalAccessor, String dateFormatString);
031    /**
032     * Formats the given date as a String.
033     *
034     * @param the TimeDate date to format
035     * @param dateFormatString format string to use.  See {@link DateTimeFormatter}
036     * for details.
037     * @param locale
038     * @return String value of the date
039     */
040    <T extends TemporalAccessor> String format(T temporalAccessor, String dateFormatString, Locale locale);
042    /**
043     * Maps from an incoming format to an outgoing format {@link DateTimeFormatter}.
044     * @param src the formatted datetime
045     * @param outgoingFormat {@link DateTimeFormatter}
046     * @param locale  Locale, if needed for outgoing formatting, no default.
047     * @param incomingFormat {@link DateTimeFormatter}, optional, default is {@link #defaultFormat}.
048     * @return the newly mapped
049     */
050    String map(String src, String outgoingFormatPattern, Locale locale, String incomingFormatPattern);
052    /**
053     * Uses as incoming format {@link #defaultFormat} and no locale.
054     * @param src
055     * @param outgoingFormat
056     * @return the formatted string
057     *
058     * @throws java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException
059     */
060    String map(String src, DateTimeFormatter outgoingFormat, Locale locale,
061               DateTimeFormatter incomingFormat);
063    /**
064     * Uses as outgoing {@link DateTimeFormatter} {@link #defaultFormat} and no locale.
065     * @param src the datetime formatted string
066     * @param incomingFormat the format of this string
067     * @return the date time formatted using the {@link #defaultFormat}.
068     */
069    String mapTo(String src, DateTimeFormatter outgoingFormat);
071    /**
072     * Uses as incoming {@link DateTimeFormatter}  {@link #defaultFormat}.
073     * @param src the datetime formatted string
074     * @param outgoingFormat the format to which this string should be formatted.
075     * @param locale
076     * @return the newly formatted date time string
077     *
078     * @throws java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException
079     */
080    String mapFrom(String src, DateTimeFormatter incomingFormat);
082    String map(String src, DateTimeFormatter outgoingFormat, Locale locale);