Class ShortField

    • Method Detail

      • setEmptyValue

        public void setEmptyValue​(String prop)
        Set the empty Value. This value is used if Intake maps a field to a parameter returned by the user and the corresponding field is either empty (empty string) or non-existant.
        Specified by:
        setEmptyValue in class Field<Short>
        prop - The value to use if the field is empty.
      • getSafeEmptyValue

        protected Object getSafeEmptyValue()
        Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke. Subclasses that deal with primitive types should ensure that they return an appropriate value wrapped in the object wrapper class for the primitive type.
        getSafeEmptyValue in class Field<Short>
        the value to use when the field is empty or an Object that wraps the empty value for primitive types.