We are pleased to announce the Fulcrum's YAAFI 1.0.5 release! http://turbine.apache.org/fulcrum/fulcrum-yaafi/ Fulcrum is a component repository for Turbine. =============================================================================== Changes in this version include: New Features: o Addded README.txt and NOTICE.txt to create a proper release. o Added componentConfiguration.properties to resolve custom properties used for expanding the componentConfiguration.xml. Furthermore added a resolver functionality to allow to use commons-configuration. o Added JamonInterceptorService to capture statistical performance data o Added AdviceService to provide interceptors for any arbitrary object. o Added SmartToStringBuilder to get more information out of the LoggingInterceptorService. o Using the parent ServiceManager (if available) during lookup() and hasService() o Adding interceptor services to YAAFI. This allows to add interceptors for the whole container or individual services. o Using ReadWriteLocks for reconfiguring YAAFI on the fly o Added a "logger" attribute to the role configuration file to simplify setting up Log4j loggers. Fixed bugs: o Fixing broken JAMon 2.x integration. To decouple the service framework from the JAMon library reflection was used but broke with JAMon 2.x. o Fixed a few JavaDoc warnings Changes: o The SmartToStringBuilder was renamed to ArgumentStringBuilder o Adding Fortress context variables to enable a smooth transition when making all Fulcrum service compatible to a Fortress container o Incarnating service is done in two steps now. This allows to declare the services in any order in the roleConfiguration.xml o Updating to avalon-framework-api/impl-4.3.0.jar o For logging during initializing of a service we use the parent logger (=container's logger) instead of the service logger. This is an issue when writing CSV files otherwise the layout is messed up. =============================================================================== Issues, bugs, and feature requests for Fulcrum's YAAFI should be submitted to the following issue tracking system: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRB Have fun! -The Fulcrum's YAAFI development team