001package org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.turbine;
003 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
004 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
005 * distributed with this work for additional information
006 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
007 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
008 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
009 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010 *
011 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012 *
013 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
014 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
016 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
017 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
018 * under the License.
019 */
020import java.sql.Connection;
021import java.util.List;
023import org.apache.fulcrum.security.entity.User;
024import org.apache.fulcrum.security.model.turbine.TurbineUserManager;
025import org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.om.TorqueTurbineUserPeer;
026import org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.peer.TorqueTurbinePeer;
027import org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.peer.TorqueTurbineUserGroupRolePeer;
028import org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.peer.TurbineUserGroupRoleModelPeerMapper;
029import org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.peer.managers.PeerUserManager;
030import org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.security.TorqueAbstractSecurityEntity;
031import org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.security.turbine.TorqueAbstractTurbineTurbineSecurityEntityDefault;
032import org.apache.fulcrum.security.util.DataBackendException;
033import org.apache.fulcrum.security.util.UnknownEntityException;
034import org.apache.fulcrum.security.util.UserSet;
035import org.apache.torque.NoRowsException;
036import org.apache.torque.TooManyRowsException;
037import org.apache.torque.TorqueException;
038import org.apache.torque.criteria.Criteria;
039import org.apache.torque.util.Transaction;
041 * This implementation persists to a database via Torque.
042 * 
043 *
044 * @author <a href="mailto:tv@apache.org">Thomas Vandahl</a>
045 * @version $Id$
046 */
047public class TorqueTurbineUserManagerImpl extends PeerUserManager implements TurbineUserManager
050        /** Serial version */
051        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
052        private static final String ANON = "anon";
054    /**
055     * Default implementation.
056     */
057    @Override
058    public <T extends User> T getAnonymousUser()
059        throws UnknownEntityException
060    {
061        try
062        {
063            T anonUser =  getUser( ANON );
064            // add more, if needed
065            return anonUser;
066        }
067        catch ( DataBackendException e )
068        {
069            throw new UnknownEntityException( "Failed to load anonymous user",e);
070        } 
071    }
073    /**
074     * Default implementation.
075     */
076    @Override
077    public boolean isAnonymousUser( User u )
078    {
079        try
080        {
081            User anon = getAnonymousUser();
082            if (u.equals( anon )) 
083                {
084                 return true;
085                }
086        }
087        catch ( Exception e )
088        {
089            getLogger().error( "Failed to check user:" + e.getMessage(),e);
090        }
091        return false;
092    }
094    /**
095     * @see org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.TorqueAbstractUserManager#doSelectAllUsers(java.sql.Connection)
096     */
098    @Override
099        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
100        protected <T extends User> List<T> doSelectAllUsers(Connection con) throws TorqueException
101    {
102        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
104        if ( (getCustomPeer())) {
105            try
106            {
107                TorqueTurbinePeer<T> peerInstance = (TorqueTurbinePeer<T>)getPeerInstance();
108                return peerInstance.doSelect( criteria, con );
109            }
110            catch ( DataBackendException e )
111            {
112                throw new TorqueException( e );
113            }
114        } else {
115            return (List<T>) TorqueTurbineUserPeer.doSelect(criteria, con);
116        }
117    }
119    /**
120     * @see org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.TorqueAbstractUserManager#doSelectById(java.lang.Integer, java.sql.Connection)
121     */
122    @Override
123        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
124        protected <T extends User> T doSelectById(Integer id, Connection con) throws NoRowsException, TooManyRowsException, TorqueException
125    {
126        if ( (getCustomPeer())) {
127            try
128            {
129                TorqueTurbinePeer<T> peerInstance = (TorqueTurbinePeer<T>)getPeerInstance();
130                return peerInstance.retrieveByPK( id, con );
131            }
132            catch ( DataBackendException e )
133            {
134                throw new TorqueException( e );
135            }
136        } else {
137            return  (T)  TorqueTurbineUserPeer.retrieveByPK(id, con);
138        }
139    }
141    /**
142     * @see org.apache.fulcrum.security.torque.TorqueAbstractUserManager#doSelectByName(java.lang.String, java.sql.Connection)
143     */
144    @Override
145        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
146        protected <T extends User> T doSelectByName(String name, Connection con) throws NoRowsException, TooManyRowsException, TorqueException
147    {
148        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
150        criteria.setIgnoreCase(true);
151        criteria.setSingleRecord(true);
153        List<T> users = null;
154        if ( (getCustomPeer())) {
155            try
156            {
157                TorqueTurbinePeer<T> peerInstance = (TorqueTurbinePeer<T>)getPeerInstance();
158                criteria.where(peerInstance.getTableMap().getColumn(getColumnName() ), name);
159                users = peerInstance.doSelect( criteria, con );
160            }
161            catch ( DataBackendException e )
162            {
163                throw new TorqueException( e );
164            }
165        } else {
166                criteria.where(TorqueTurbineUserPeer.LOGIN_NAME, name);
167                users = (List<T>) TorqueTurbineUserPeer.doSelect(criteria, con);
168        }
171        if (users.isEmpty())
172        {
173            throw new NoRowsException(name);
174        }
176        return users.get(0);
177    }
179    /**
180     * Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the
181     * key. Also retrieves all attached objects (user group role relationships).
182     *
183     * @param userName the name of the user.
184     * @return an User object.
185     * @exception UnknownEntityException if the user's account does not
186     *            exist in the database.
187     * @exception DataBackendException if there is a problem accessing the
188     *            storage.
189     */
190    @Override
191    public <T extends User> T getUser(String userName) throws UnknownEntityException, DataBackendException
192    {
193        T user = null;
194        Connection con = null;
196        try
197        {
198            con = Transaction.begin();
200            user = doSelectByName(userName.toLowerCase(), con);
202            // Add attached objects if they exist
203            attachRelatedObjects( user, con ); 
205            Transaction.commit(con);
206            con = null;
207        }
208        catch (NoRowsException e)
209        {
210            throw new UnknownEntityException("Unknown user '" + userName + "'");
211        }
212        catch (TooManyRowsException e)
213        {
214            throw new DataBackendException("Multiple Users with same username '" + userName + "'");
215        }
216        catch (TorqueException e)
217        {
218            throw new DataBackendException("Error retrieving user information", e);
219        }
220        finally
221        {
222            if (con != null)
223            {
224                Transaction.safeRollback(con);
225            }
226        }
228        return user;
229    }
231    /**
232     * Retrieves all users with attached related objects (user group role relationships) defined in the system.
233     *
234     * @return the names of all users defined in the system.
235     * @throws DataBackendException if there was an error accessing the data
236     *         backend.
237     */
238  @Override
239  public <T extends User> UserSet<T> getAllUsers() throws DataBackendException
240  {
241      UserSet<T> userSet = new UserSet<T>();
242      Connection con = null;
244      try
245      {
246          con = Transaction.begin();
248          List<User> users = doSelectAllUsers(con);
250          for (User user : users)
251          {
252              // Add attached objects if they exist
253              attachRelatedObjects( user, con ); 
255              userSet.add(user);
256          }
258          Transaction.commit(con);
259          con = null;
260      }
261      catch (TorqueException e)
262      {
263          throw new DataBackendException("Error retrieving all users", e);
264      }
265      finally
266      {
267          if (con != null)
268          {
269              Transaction.safeRollback(con);
270          }
271      }
273      return userSet;
274  }
276  /**
277   * Retrieve a User object with specified id and all attached objects (user group role relationships).
278   *
279   * @param id
280   *            the id of the User.
281   * @return an object representing the User with specified id.
282   * @throws DataBackendException
283   *             if there was an error accessing the data backend.
284   * @throws UnknownEntityException
285   *             if the user does not exist.
286   */
287  @Override
288  public <T extends User> T getUserById(Object id) throws DataBackendException, UnknownEntityException
289  {
290      T user;
292      if (id != null && id instanceof Integer)
293      {
294          Connection con = null;
296          try
297          {
298              con = Transaction.begin();
300              user = doSelectById((Integer)id, con);
302              // Add attached objects if they exist
303              attachRelatedObjects( user, con ); 
305              Transaction.commit(con);
306              con = null;
307          }
308          catch (NoRowsException e)
309          {
310              throw new UnknownEntityException("User with id '" + id + "' does not exist.", e);
311          }
312          catch (TorqueException e)
313          {
314              throw new DataBackendException("Error retrieving user information", e);
315          }
316          finally
317          {
318              if (con != null)
319              {
320                  Transaction.safeRollback(con);
321              }
322          }
323      }
324      else
325      {
326          throw new UnknownEntityException("Invalid user id '" + id + "'");
327      }
329      return user;
330  }
332  /**
333   * Retrieves all related objects (user group roles). If the objects not exists {@link DataBackendException} is wrapped in a new TorqueException.
334   * 
335   * @param user
336   * @param con
337   * @throws TorqueException
338   */
339  private <T extends User> void attachRelatedObjects( T user, Connection con ) throws TorqueException
340  {
341      if (user instanceof TorqueAbstractSecurityEntity) {
342          if (getCustomPeer()) {
343              try
344              {
345                  TorqueTurbineUserGroupRolePeer<TurbineUserGroupRoleModelPeerMapper> peerInstance = 
346                                  (TorqueTurbineUserGroupRolePeer<TurbineUserGroupRoleModelPeerMapper>) getUserGroupRolePeerInstance();
347                  Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
348                  // expecting the same name in any custom implementation
349                  criteria.where(peerInstance.getTableMap().getColumn(getColumnName4UserGroupRole() ), ( (TorqueAbstractSecurityEntity) user ).getEntityId() );                        
350                  List<TurbineUserGroupRoleModelPeerMapper> ugrs = peerInstance.doSelectJoinTurbineGroup( criteria, con );
352                  if (user instanceof TorqueAbstractTurbineTurbineSecurityEntityDefault) {
353                      ((TorqueAbstractTurbineTurbineSecurityEntityDefault)user).retrieveAttachedObjects(con, false, ugrs);
354                  }
355              }
356              catch ( DataBackendException e )
357              {
358                  throw new TorqueException( e );
359              }
360          } else {
361              try
362              {
363                ((TorqueAbstractSecurityEntity)user).retrieveAttachedObjects(con);
364              }
365              catch ( DataBackendException e )
366              {
367                  throw new TorqueException( e );
368              }
369          }
370      }
371  }